Bit of an embarrassment really but I fall asleep earlier today and had a nap, not been sleeping great recently so napping a fair bit after work. I scheduled the PK event for 7 30 and woke up without an Alarm at 7 40. During this dream I dreamt I was for some reason pking in my slayer gear, standing behind a web with a guy in mystics and ancient staff trash talking on the other side. Suddenly I wake bolt upright hearing ice barrage. I'd put my phone earlier on loud due to expecting a call and forgot I had ice barrage as a notification setting for apps and one updated and set it off. Legit thought I was being attacked IRL for a few moments before I realised im dreaming!
Anybody else got any random RS dreams happen to them before? This is the first I remember.
Sadly lost my (estimated, since she just wandered into the house and claimed us for her forever humans) 15 year old cat today, bone cancer in her jaw, her sight was gone and she could hardly walk... Got the call from the family yesterday that this would happen.
Jake is the Marshmellow on the left he's 3. We adopted him from a foster home.
Honey is the Calitabbytortie on the right. She's just turned 2. We adopted her from a shelter nearby. She was first and he was second.
They're birds of a feather though and love to cuddle with eachother and play. They make my day.