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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/18 in all areas

  1. After many many years of clean living, I have once again become addicted to Runescape. Pking has always been my love. In fact, I would prefer to never leave the wildly. The following post is intended to communicate my goals for the months to come. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the clan for being so friendly and welcoming. Our app managers are insanely competent, and members like Batfire, Da man, Bong and Shroom made me really want to become a member of WG (sorry if i didn't mention you, i still love you). Generalized objectives: 1) Quests. Everything in p2p is questlocked. Makes me want to stroke. I hate questing. If i complete a quest I shall celebrate. 2) A base of 50 in all stats. 3) Achieve desired stats to once again own f2p wildy. In so doing I would also become less of a liability to our p2p pking squad. Having watched a lot of briding streams I have come to understand that I do not heavily enjoy p2p single pking as of right now. The constant overhead praying (pray switching being a huge component of effective briding), the constant teleporting, raging and rushing all leave a bad taste in my mouth. Historically, I enjoy going into the wildy knowing I am either down or up a set of gear. Not wasting time and lots of gps on food/pots only to tp away like little pansies. It all seems very cheap and low honor, my opinion. Therefore; Stats 73/ 85 attack 75/85 str 71/ whatever def 46/whatever prayer 78/99 range 64/85 mage I will do slayer while I grind these out. 56/85 mining --- Rune rocks are my stomping ground. 50 everything else, anything above that is cherries. I hope to get at least 7 mill xp/month, I achieved this in month #1, so I hope maintain this at minimum. UPDATE 1@3 months
    1 point
  2. Decided to finally get 82 construction, currently sitting at the halfway point (77) finishing it up tomorrow, pleased with the xp for the day considering i'm doing oaks but jesus my hand hasn't felt this sore since I first found porn Same amount of this shit tomorrow and i'll finally be able to host corp myself
    1 point
  3. WG Fargorn

    Rev Caves

    So here is a little rant about the recent rev cave nerf; Pre nerf, the revs achieved exactly what it set out to do. It rejuvenated the wilderness. You could sit at lava teleport and see a constant stream of people coming in. In any world. The cave itself was packed. Pking there was actually like shooting fish in a barrel. Great for pking groups of any size. We were all able to make profit. And obviously, these tight confines also means you would find constant clans to engage with as well. From a pvm standpoint, your drops were highly dependent on level. If you were aware of your surroundings you could often get away from pkers with ease (not afk at all). Drops were good enough to show up for. Assuming you could out hit your opponents and not get greased thereafter. Sounds great so far, right? It was, until the pvmers realized they would actually have to go into the wilderness routinely. Or risk making less gp/hr on their completely SAFE minigame-like bosses (if you die there you can just get your shit out of a chest, or return within 60?!?!? minutes.) The nerd community doesn't really like having to go into the wilderness, BUT the drops were too hard to really refuse. They also didn't like that it was competitive with Quest Locked/ Endgame content. Upon which they have monopoly. The other methods are also more stable in that you may not have to tp/return 10 times in an hour, and your going to make reliable cash stacks etc. You heard many people claim it was 2m/hr. It was good money. Assuming you didn't have to dodge clans every couple seconds, or you weren't getting spontaneously jumped. So if you were the big fish, and smart. Then yes, it was fantastic. Want me to do the math on your profit per hour if you get killed twice in an hour and have to return an extra time? Assuming minimal risk, you will loose 150k roughly. People also conveniently forgot that whatever they HAD gotten off the revs went to the pkers. What if you got tired? MAke a mistake? Got overconfident? Tried anti-pking and got fucked. Well then you find yourself down 27m? maybe more? maybe less? A proper hierarchy. Then comes the NERF HAMMER. CLUNK. So you get a VERY LOUD pvmer community yelling and crying for the nerf hammer. They get in within what? a couple weeks? How long did it take them to nerf bosses like zulrah, or the NMZ guthans. These same pvmers were the ones making bank off zulrah scales. or making bank at revs. or making bank smithing for profit. or making bank flipping bolt tips. or banking insane gp/hr fletching those bolt tips. Jagex once again fails to realize that the greasy neck beard pvmers are your biggest/loudest community. These guys have spare time to spam memes on reddit, or spam the forums, or have played so dam much they know the JMODS names, sexual preferences and animal names. So Rob, what does it look like post nerf? Good question Rob. Having spent several hours there post nerf. DRUM ROLL........Drops are shit and there are other means of making cash that are far more reliable/less risk. Coming from somebody who WANTS to play this game in the wilderness as much as possible. Who wants to be down there anti-pking/pking/or pvming takes a look at the pvm drops from a couple hours and goes SHIT NO. Waste of my time! How busy do you think revs are going to be? Rant complete.
    1 point
  4. farlife

    Pictures of your Family

    me and the ol lady on top of some mountain in hawaii https://gyazo.com/cbfd1cc5cf745c484bbd693804113cf8
    1 point
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