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  1. Ssnatch It

    A sigh of relief

    I've lived in Houston for close to 1.5 years now after being offered a promotion at my job to relocate from NY to Houston. In that time, my performance has definitely not been up to par and my relationship with my boss deteriorated significantly. We really aren't known as a company to fire many people, most of the people let go have been execs who have been given buyouts or to lay people off, but my boss has fired 2 people in the last 3 years, which is significant for a team of 5 people. I had been given a pretty significant moving package to come down here, and was very nervous about being fired as I would owe the company a portion of this package if that happened. It all started to boil up in the past week, when I was sent an email on Friday being accused of insubordination based on a series of events that I think were completely overblown. Anyway, fast forward to Monday, I consulted with many people and came up with an email to minimize the accusations and defend myself, while not attacking my boss. I also asked to set up a 1 on 1 with her later in the week to discuss my future. She softened her tone a bunch on her response, so I felt a bit better. But in my heart I knew that being down here is a ticking time bomb, I was never going to live up to her expectations and eventually I would be let go. So today, I finally got to sit down with her and had prepared a whole narrative about how I wanted to find a different position in the company that better utilizes my strengths (I work for a large, multinational company). When I sat down in her office, I let her talk first and the first thing she asked me was if I was happy with my job and if I would be happier doing something else. We immediately agreed that I would be better utilized elsewhere and that she would help me move into a new role! I had been so nervous on how she would take this meeting and I am super happy right now, not only because of the money aspect but because I truly do enjoy working for this company as a whole. I had poor performance reviews from her in the past, and I was worried that these would hinder me from moving on in the company, but she is completely on board to actually help me pursue a new job which is huge for me. I know this topic is very random and doesnt really leave a lot of room for discussion but I'm just super relieved right now and wanted a place to write it all down.
    2 points
  2. Nuro

    Post Your Bank

    Finally finished completing my PVM Gear Tab (range tank btw)
    1 point
  3. Tankerds

    [Accepted] Tankerds

    Gotcha. Can't remember who I was talking to in the CC, but I asked before I applied if it was cool with me being in a PvM clan as well and I had a few people saying that was fine since it was just a PvM clan.
    1 point
  4. Tankerds

    [Accepted] Tankerds

    Thanks Rut! Look forward to pking with you guys
    1 point
  5. Ssnatch It

    A sigh of relief

    I work in insurance, nothing super exciting, just very corporate atmostphere
    1 point
  6. Nice man, one day I will also get jad pet!
    1 point
  7. some good upcoming changes there tbh
    1 point
  8. Rut469

    Places you have been to.

    lol i see you
    1 point
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