Thank t’all For the help & support!! Did spectacularly well & placed 2nd (which should have been 1st but the agency wouldn’t choose someone leaving for the states to study to win)
Took home the 2nd place Title, mr most well groomed (lab series), mr Japan IPL & mr phytogenic Jr (phyto).
repping that wg pride hehe
So here we are, 13/07/2018 and me and my boii Final Combo AKA: WG milfhuntr decided to do some raids... over the past few days Combo has been teaching me how to raid and I am forever grateful for him to take time to raid and teach me. TODAY it happened on KC 5... I had 5k points and sniped a twisted bow! WTF!!!
sorry about the random post but WTF!!! hahahaha WG<3