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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/18 in all areas

  1. Plussion Tell us about yourself. I'm 25, have 3 kids and a wonderful Fiance who keeps me out of trouble, i love gaming and have been playing runescape for over 16 years. Clan history. How did you hear about us? via reddit Do you plan to join? I have submitted an application here: http://www.wildernessguardians.com/forums/topic/2329-plussion/ Any last comments? I look forward to meeting y'all and hopefuly donig some PvM / PvP, if anybody has any questions reference RS that they're unsure of feel free to pm me, i'm always open for a chat.
    1 point
  2. plussion

    Community Intro - Plussion

    it's not too bad, treat it like training a dog, the mrs complains at my theory but it works XD the initial few months are meh but when they start picking up things for themselves and learning new stuff it's amazing!
    1 point
  3. Zutheris

    Two birds, One burst...

    Grats father
    1 point
  4. 4474

    Two birds, One burst...

    Lol honestly, I had brought the DFS to charge up at Iron Dragons... but forgot to.
    1 point
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