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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/18 in all areas

  1. Title says it all. This is where we'll keep track of what items we've had drop so I can fill out the spreadsheets. ALL PICTURES MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING. Wg vs Forsaken 237 In your chat box Your runescape name must be viewable The drop of the item must be in the runescape chat log as well. Barrows items you need to take a picture of the loot chest itself. Runelite does this automatically. That's all. Have fun, make some money and lets win us a competition lads.
    1 point
  2. Willzy

    [Accepted] The Megla

    Congratulations, you have been accepted into our community! You are now an Initiate Guardian and have 3 weeks to attend 3 events, reply to at least 10 posts and graduate. Here are some useful links: Unread content - gives you the latest posts. Keeps you up to date. Important Announcements - check frequently for major updates. Calendar - all events are here, listed in your own time zone. You can even host your own. Graduations - you have 3 weeks to post your graduation form. Discord - keep notifications on for #osrs and #osrs_announcements. We'll never spam you. Recruitment Tips - help expand our clan New to PvM or PvP? Check out the #pvm-help and #pvp-help channels on Discord. Let me know when you've read this. I and the staff are happy to answer any further questions. Welcome to our clan!
    1 point
  3. About time you posted this Megla =), we'll have to get back too DKs soon
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Welcome, bit of a short app to be honest.
    1 point
  6. oo finally. Welcome
    1 point
  7. Don't forget to contact myself or any other Application Manager or Leader on Discord once you've waited 48 hours. While you wait feel free to browse these forums, hang on Discord and idle in our clan chat: wg_cc.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. jared

    [Accepted] The Megla

    welcome man, hope you weren't hit that hard with the storm
    1 point
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