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  1. Hello everyone and welcome to my (somewhat) in-depth flipping guide! I've been wanting to do this for awhile now since this is basically what i do best in OSRS. If you know me, you'll know that i basically live at the G.E. I've been flipping for the past year studying how the market works and the in's and out's of it. If you don't know what flipping is, its basically you buying an item(s) from the grand exchange for a certain price and selling it back for a higher price for PROFIT. I know that we are known for PKing and I've learned a lot from going on trips with you PK fiends, but hopefully now i can teach you a little something about something i love in OSRS. DISCLAIMER: THIS GUIDE IS TO HELP YOU MAKE AS MUCH MONEY POSSIBLE, HOWEVER, THE MARKET CAN BE TRICKY SOMETIMES AND YOU COULD LOSE MONEY, SOMETIMES A LOT DEPENDING ON THE SITUATION. (flip at your own risk) BEFORE YOU FLIP: Before we start talking about the juicy stuff, lets talk about the stuff you need to know before you start becoming runescapes richest man. YOU NEED MONEY Obviously, you need money to start flipping. If you want to make a decent return on investment (ROI) i'd suggest 10+ M, however if you don't have that much cash, a few Mill will do just fine. YOU WILL LOSE MONEY Yeah i know, why are you even reading this guide if you are gonna lose money? It's part of the deal, you have to live and learn, same with flipping. Sometimes the market shits the bed and that flip you thought was gonna be a goldmine shits the bed too. YOU WILL MAKE MONEY This is what you wanted to hear right? I GUARANTEE you that if you follow the guide, you'll make money. Flipping is one of OSRS least common things to do because people are scared to try or just don't know how to do it. Hopefully by the end of this guide you will give it a shot and make some big $$$. BUY LIMIT There's this thing called a buy limit in OSRS which prevents people from exploiting the Grand Exchange if there's a really good flip. The buy limit can vary depending on what item you want to buy. For example, if you want to flip runes, the buy limit is 12k but if its something like a Berserker Ring, its only 8. The buy limit resets every 4 hours, that means if you put in an offer for a berserker ring at 5:00 PM and it sells, your buy limit for the next 4 hours until 9:00 PM will be 7 since you already purchased one. If you have Runelite, it will show you the buy limit above the item you are trying to buy like this: RETURN ON INVESTMENT Return on investment is basically just fancy for the margin of money you will make. The ROI is calculated by subtracting the sell price from the buy price (margin) and then dividing it by the buy price, then you multiply it by 100 to get a %. This probably sounds confusing so ill walk you through it better. I bought the Black chin for 3,457 gp and sold it for 3,448 gp. It looks confusing because i just lost money but i was checking to see what i could flip it for and find out what the buying and selling rate at that moment is. That is called a PRICE CHECK! So now that we price checked it, we can find the ROI. To do this we take the price i want to buy it at (3,448) (THE PRICE I SOLD IT AT) and subtract it from the sell price (3,457) (THE PRICE I PURCHASED IT AT)which equals 9. After that i divide it by the buy price (3,448) which equals .00261, I then multiply this by 100 to get a %. The ROI is this flip would be .26 which is very bad. Normally I aim to go for a 1.0%+ ROI. THERE ARE TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF FLIPS There's two different types of flips you can do, there is the High Volume Flip and the High Margin Flip. Lets talk about the High Volume Flip first. The High Volume Flip is a very safe flip and great for beginners. The reasoning behind this is because there is a lot less room for error when you do this one because of the lower cost of each item. Items that classify as a High Volume Flip are consumables such as darts, logs, farming supplies, crafting supplies, anything that the G.E. sees an influx of every day. I personally love to do these because its basically like guaranteed money since its so safe. Another tip if you are doing this flip is to set your offers at night time if you are doing a flip on a heavily botted item such as fish or logs. The reasoning is because the bot accounts always dump their items at the end of their night when they are finished botting for that day. This will make a marginal difference but its a small tip i like sharing. Lastly, this flip is faster than the other one because of so many of that item coming in. If you are flipping an item with 12k buy limit and buy atleast a few thousand, it shouldn't take more than a few hours. The second flip is called a High Margin Flip. This flip is a tiny more difficult than the last one but can yield much more profit if done correctly. The reason i say that is because it is much more of a risk doing a High Margin Flip because you are putting all your money on one or a few items. Back to our previous example on the Berserker Ring, its fairly expensive which means the price will fluctuate in higher gaps rather than something like a High Volume item such as an Oak log. This can be a good thing but also a bad thing but most of the time good. The only reason it could be bad is if the market on that item crashes for some reason, such as a new update is polled and people panic buy the item. Also doing a price check on this type of flip is not recommended since the prices are so high and you will lose lots price checking it. Your best bet is to look the item up on one of the websites listed below and try to YOLO buy it for less than what its buying for or you can look on G.E. tracker and see what it recommends you offering for it. The last thing about this kind of flip is that it WILL take much longer to flip (possibly a couple days) this is because of the low influx of these items coming into the G.E., but if you are patient enough it will most likely end in your favor. HOW TO START FLIPPING: Before you do anything, you need to choose an item to flip. This is the hardest part of flipping and getting started. There are thousands of items in Runescape so you'd think picking one would be easy right? WRONG. Obviously its easy to choose a random item and buy it and sell it back for a few gp for what you bought if for, but that's now what were here for. We are here to buy multiples of an item with a decent ROI and sell it back to make the big bucks. There are a few ways to find the best items to flip. The Official Oldschool Runescape website The OSRS website features a grand exchange function which shows: Price rises and falls, most valuable trades, and most traded. These are all shown in Top 100. All four of them are great tools to finding an item but the most helpful one is the "Most Traded" section. This section is GREAT for High Volume Flips! It shows the top 100 traded items for the last 7 days, the reason this is so great because you can always count on these items to pay out since Millions upon Millions are being traded by the day. The second website I highly suggest is: G.E. Tracker This Website in combination with the OSRS website is phenomenal. Its a great website to look up items and see the price that its going for at the present moment. It also shows which items have a good ROI and which ones have a shitty one. Although i do not recommend trusting the ROI it has on the website because its not up to date by the second so i usually do the price check manually if its a High Volume Flip and wont cost much. I mainly use this website to search up prices of items i am interested in flipping. Another use for this website is that it shows you a general price on what you should offer which is good for High Margin Flips since you can ballpark it when you place an offer for one. DOING A FLIP: Now it's time to put everything together you learned and do a flip. Just to show you i'm not shit talking you, ill do a flip step by step of both versions. Lets start out with a High Volume Flip. First thing i had to do was choose an item, I went over to G.E. Tracker and decided to go into the new items list. Since its a few weeks after the Kebos update, the prices are beginning to settle. The item i chose to try to flip was the Hydra Bones. The first reason is because as you can see, the buying and selling quantity are very large. My next step was to do a price check in-game and figure out the ROI. I priced checked it and wowee, that is a big margin just looking at it, but lets do the math to make sure. 5,100 - 5030 = 70. 70 divided by 5,100 = .0137. Multiply that number by 100 and you get a ROI of 1.37%! Lets try it, ill put a buy offer in for 500 Hydra Bones for 5,030. They bought in under 10 minutes surprisingly, lets put it back in for 5100 and leave it in there and see what happens. About an hour went by so i decided to drop the price from 5,100 to 5,080, it took me about another hour before they sold. Although it wasn't a great flip, we still made money which is the goal and took barely any effort. In the end, we purchased 500 Hydra bones for 5030 and sold them for 5,080 netting us a 25k flip. This flip wasn't bad but also wasn't great. Lets do our High Margin Flip now. Lets head back over to G.E. Tracker and see what we have. I went to the "High Margin" tab and looked through the list and saw that the Dragon Defender Ornament Kit had a very high ROI. (It doesn't look great in the screenshot but i took the screenshot an hour or so after i put in the offer so the price changed) I placed an offer in for 1.385M and let it sit, It surprisingly came through in about 20 minutes. I immediately put it back in for around 1.42M and 5 minutes later it sold. I could have maybe priced this one higher since it seemed the price was going up but i did not want to be greedy. Lets do the math on the ROI for this one. I sold it for 1.42M and purchased it for 1.385M. If i subtract the two i get around 35K. I divide that by the selling price to get .024, multiplied by 100 to get a whopping 2.46%! 35K in about 25 minutes doing nothing sounds good to me. Both of these flips were done with less than 4M so they were very small, you can get large scale and multiply your money made by increasing the items flipped, I just wanted to do a small simple flip to show how easy it can be done. Well, that's about all i can teach you, I don't think I forgot anything but if you think i did let me know. If anyone has any questions or anything feel free to PM me in-game or on discord. If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed or learned something.
    5 points
  2. Sabre Ghost's Quick Pure Questing/Training Order Step by Step - Efficient Quest and Skilling Order! A few people in #osrs asked me to make a quick pure guide. Imagine we're on a PK trip and our lowest level is getting hit by pures. We all log out, and log in on 10-15 pures. BOOM!! FREE LOOT!!! If you guys want more details feel free to PM me or search on Youtube. I have a lot of experience questing/leveling accounts over the years and I've done these kind of quest sequences 20-25 times. This guide is supposed to be straight to the point with only the bare bones info for quick step by step. Both F2P and P2P starting methods are focused on unlocking minimal cost splashing so you can constantly splash while you're AFK in between quests and training strength/ranged. Unlocking 40 ranged for green d'hide vambs will allow you to get the negative mage bonus necessary (-65) to splash every spell while wearing d'hide vambs and full iron with a Staff of Fire in f2p. For a Smoke Battlestaff in P2p, you will also need iron boots and 30 attack. Getting P2P straight away is more efficient and faster, but starting out in F2P is nice if you don't want to buy a bond until you really want to grind. It will allow you to splash your magic pretty high before you get members. Usually I get a bond to cannon range and then I camp an account in F2p for weeks-months until 94 magic. Remember, this guide is the efficient quest and training order to create a sick PKing pure with minimal effort. So if you want Mith gloves, Crystal Bow, Anchor, etc. then do some of your own research in addition to this. Let's get started with the basics! Starting out in F2P: Starting out in P2P: 43 Prayer Train: Dragon Bones at Gilded Altar/Wildy Altar until level 43. Don't train past 43 until you know you've done all the prayer quests you want... you don't want to end up with a weird prayer level depending on if you want 45 or 52. View the OSRSWiki page: http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Quest_experience_rewards#Prayer for quest XP rewards by skill type to make sure. For example the Ancient Mace quest gives 3k prayer xp. I'll put that quest line near the bottom. 40 Ranged + Ava's Attractor Quest: Dwarf Cannon Train: Cannon Rock Crabs inside Relekka until 40-50 Ranged. OR Train: Shortbow/Oak Shortbow on Chickens until level 10 Ranged. Train: Oak Shortbow on Cows until level 20 Ranged. Train: Mithril Darts on Sandcrabs/Slayer Task until level 30 Ranged. Train: 18 Slayer Train: 19 Crafting Train: 35 Woodcutting Quest: The Restless Ghost (Reward: 1.1k Prayer) Quest: Ernest The Chicken Quest: Priest In Peril (Reward: 1.4k Prayer, DT Req) Quest: Animal Magnetism (Req: 18 Slayer, 19 Crafting, 35 Woodcutting, 30 Ranged) Train: Mithril Darts w/ Attractor on Sandcrabs until level 40 Ranged. Range XP Reward Quests (I wanted to mention these here so you don't waste time getting 40 - 50 range tediously, when these quests can save a lot of time. Just do these quests at the right time for training efficiency with Agility/Thieving) Quest: Horror from the Deep ( is best done at 40~ ranged to take advantage of XP reward. It has an agility req with an efficient order. Do it after The Grand Tree. See below. Quest: Temple of Ikov is best done at 40~ ranged to take advantage of XP reward. It's a req for Desert Treasure, but it has a thieving req with an efficient order. See below. Splashing Quest: Imp Catcher (875 Magic) Quest: Witches Potion (325 Magic) Train: Strike Spells until level 13 Magic. (You could skip Imp Catcher and Witch's Potion if you want to just splash Air/Water/Earth Strike until level 13) Splash: Whenever you're AFK, splash Fire Strike with a Smoke Staff. It's best to have a high mage level so you can kill all these quest bosses very easily. Might as well splash to 75 for fire wave early on, and use Smoke Staff and Occult necklace! Melee Quest Order (with Horror from the Deep thrown in for efficiency) Quest: Waterfall Quest (Reward: 13.7k Attack and Strength, DT Req) Quest: Witches House (Reward: 6.3k HP) Quest: Vampire Slayer (Reward: 4.8k Attack) Quest: Tree Gnome Village (Reward: 11.4k Attack) Quest: Fight Arena (Reward: 12.1k Attack, 2.1k Thieving) Train: 20 Agility Quest: The Grand Tree (Req: 20 Agility (w/ Summer Pie) - Reward: 7.9k Agility (should get you lv 20 - 29 Agility), 18.4k Attack, 2.1k Magic) Train: 29 - 30 Agility Quest: Horror From the Deep (Req: 30 Agility (w/ Summer Pie), Barcrawl - Reward: 4.6k Magic, Strength, Ranged) Quest: Death Plateau (Reward: 3k Attack + Climbing Boots, DT Req) Quest: Mountain Daughter (Reward: Bearhead, The Kendall NMZ Training Boss, 2k Pray, 1k Attack) Road to Desert Treasure Quest: Druidic Ritual Quest: Doric's Quest (Reward level 10 Mining) Quest: The Knight's Sword (Requires 10 Mining - Reward level 29 Smithing) Train: 10 Fletching Quest: Tourist Trap (Requires 10 Fletching, 20 Smithing - Reward: Using both 4.6k Lamps on Thieving gets you level 27) Train: Thieving level 27 - 30 *Optional quest The Feud you could also just grind Thieving* Quest: The Feud (Req: 30 Thieving - Reward: 15k Thieving, you should be around 37 Thieving now) Train: Thieving level 37 - 42 Quest: Temple of Ikov (Req: 42 Thieving, 40 Ranged - Reward: 10.5k Ranged, 8k Fletching) Train: 10 Herblore Quest: The Digsite (Req: 10 Herblore, 10 Agility, 25 Thieving - Reward: 15.3k Mining, 2k Herblore) Quest: Troll Stronghold (Req 15 Agility) Train: 50 Firemaking Train: 53 Thieving Quest: Desert Treasure (Req 50 Firemaking, 53 Thieving, 50 Magic, 10 Slayer - Reward: 20k Magic) DDS and D Scim Quest: Lost City (Req 31 Crafting, 36 Woodcutting - Reward: DDS and D Long) Quest: Monkey Madness (Reward: D Scim) - DO NOT CLAIM XP REWARD Optional Quests Quest: Haunted Mine (Req 15 Agility, 35 Crafting - Reward: Salve Ammy, 22k Strength) Quest: Underground Pass (Req 25 Ranged, Biohazard, Plague City - Reward: Iban's Blast, great spell for lower levels) Quest: Ghosts Ahoy (Req: 20 Agility, 20 Cooking - Reward: Ectophial, 2.4k Prayer) Additional resources to use when adding up quest reqs/rewards: XP/Level Chart: http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Experience Quest Skill XP Rewards: http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Quest_experience_rewards I hope you guys enjoy the guide. It's meant to be done step by step for max efficiency in getting all reqs and minimal effort. From this point just AFK Strength/Ranged at Sand Crabs/NMZ and Splash Fire Strike/Fire Wave or Ice Burst! If you want low combat, try doing Pest Control and using the points on Ranged/Strength, Cannoning, or even Ranging Guild mini-game to keep your HP lower. Good luck!!! Ranged Train: Mithril Darts at Crabs until 70 or even higher Train: MSB(imbued) w/ Rune Arrows or Karils Crossbow at NMZ until 75 Train: Blowpipe/Chin until 99 Melee Train: Brine Sabre/Rune Scimitar until 50 Attack. Train: Granite Hammer until 55 Strength/60 Attack. Train: Dragon Sword/Scim or Obby Sword + Necklace until 99 Strength. Magic Train: Splash all the way to 99, or use Fire Wave/Burst to quickly get to 94/85 for Ice Barrage/Teleblock. Ancient Mace Quest Line (There are some other reqs that were all ready completed in the quests above. If you really want the Ancient Mace, you could consider fitting these quests in to get Crafting/Thieving/Firemaking xp while getting reqs for Desert Treasure/Lost City). Quest: Rune Mysteries Quest: Goblin Diplomacy Quest: The Lost Tribe Quest: Death to the Dorgeshuun (Reward: 2k Thieving + Ranged) Quest: The Giant Dwarf (Req: 12 Crafting, 16 Firemaking, 33 Magic, 14 Thieving - Reward: 2.5k Mining, Smithing, Crafting, 1.5k Magic, Thieving, Firemaking). Quest: Another Slice of H.A.M. (Req: 15 Attack, 25 Prayer - Reward: 3k Prayer, 3k Mining, Ancient Mace)
    1 point
  3. WG Fargorn


    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Try to beef out the app dude. Low effort apps are declined instantly
    1 point
  6. King CJ

    let me hear them

    I've been working on base 80s and only have 3 skills left. Of course it's the 3 skills I hate the most haha, RC, agility, and hunter. I'll bang out hunter on black sallys but I just dread it lol. I've been doing diaries for RC xp because I doubt I'll ever actually train it. After that I'm all about some slayer, PvM and even some PK trips with everyone.
    1 point
  7. batfire

    let me hear them

    i finished base 80s and 99 slay just before i quit a few months ago. Got back now and am working on 90 rc and base 85s i think. Also wanna make the bank grow a bit trough pvming with y'all. Edit: might wanna smash out all elites diaries aswell.
    1 point
  8. WG Twiz

    [Accepted] Blasted RS

    Hey welcome to the forums. Very unique name you have Pontus.
    1 point
  9. WG Fargorn

    [Declined] Captain Styx

    A mass clearing clan? This app is like a vegetarian meal.
    1 point
  10. WG Megasweet

    [Accepted] f L o y d

    Welcome and good luck dude
    1 point
  11. Mask

    [Accepted] f L o y d

    RSD nice i was in Corruption, anyway welcome
    1 point
  12. deadverb

    [Accepted] f L o y d

    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. WG Lohow

    [Accepted] f L o y d

    Welcome to the forums!
    1 point
  15. Since ya’ll doing throwbacks @poiuyt415
    1 point
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