This is my space to post updates on all of my account progressions/goals and to discuss the strategies/goals. Feel free to toss me your 2 cents.
This post is for my main.
\_.,~- PvM Ben -~,._/
Current Goal:
Make money at Vorkath/other pvm activities to gear up for learning raids.
Stat Goals-
Max combat:
[Attack] [Strength] [Defence] [Hitpoints] [Range 93/99] [Mage 85/99] [Prayer 80/99] Gear Goal Progress- Armour:
[Full Bandos] [Full Arma] [Full Ancestral]
[Full Void] [mage] [melee] [range] -> Elite Void set [Points 140/400] [Hard Western Diaries]
[Primordial Boots]
[Dragon Defender] -> [Avernic Defender]
[Fire Cape] -> [Infernal Cape]
[Berserker Ring (i)] -> [Brimstone Ring]
[Barrows Gloves]
[Tormented Bracelet]
[Torture] [Anguish] [Occult] [Salve (ei)]
[Twisted Bow]
[Trident of the Seas] -> [Trident of the Swamp] -> [Sanguinesti Staff]
[Elder Maul]
[BGS] -> [Dragon Warhammer]
\_.,~- Free Dps -~,._/
Current Goal:
Get combat up for pking and better dpsing at bosses for my main (and you guys of course )
Stat Goals-
[Attack 75/75]
[Strength 99/99]
[Defence 75/75]
[HP 87/99]
[Range 65/99]
[Mage 82/99]
[Prayer 52/52]
Gear Goal Progress-
[Full Dharoks]
[Full Bandos]
[Fury] -> [Anguish]
\_.,~- The UIM Ben -~,._/
Current Goal:
Passively working towards requirements for unlocking fairy rings. I just unlocked the HAM storeroom for making money and am working towards 55 mage for high alching there.
Stat Goals-
Will constantly be changing during these lower levels, so for now (since everything is pretty general) I'll mostly only be updating the current goal.
But in honor of this section-
[Mage 36/55] Gear Goal Progress-
Coming soon!
\_.,~- PvP Ben -~,._/
Current Goal:
Currently leaving this account dormant until I gain familiarity with pking on my main and alt accounts. Subject to change of course. But I will post my passive goal for this account.
Stat Goals-
(When I do get back to training this account)
[Attack 50/50]
[Strength 50/99]
[Defence 1/1]
[HP 56/99]
[Range 61/99]
[Mage 51/99]
[Prayer 43/52]
Gear Goal Progress-
None atm!