I know that this isn't much, I've just cleaned and organised my bank ready for future use, most of my bank was used to fund my construction and my house.
Tab 0, this consists of all my teleport options and the most important items I use at the moment.
Tab 1, this is my gear tab.. I know it's not much but you've got to start somewhere!
Tab 2, potions & herblore tab, this is where most of my 3 dose potions go and the most useful potions that I use which are 4 doses go to tab 0.
Tab 3, simple farming tab because why not, the seeds I gather are those used for the potions in my potions tab, I don't bother picking up seeds if I never use the potions related to them.
Tab 4 is use for mining and smithing
Tab 5 is for woodcutting, fletching and firemaking
Tab 6 is for crafting and construction
Tab 7, this is going to be used for my future slayer loot and as a sales tab
Tab 8, I'm just going to use this for miscellaneous items until I find other locations for them
Tab 9 and the final tab is going to be used for outfits and fashionscape.. once I finally get round to finding some fashion.