Now this is the story all about,
How my life got twisted turned upside down,
And I'd like to take a minute and sit right there,
And tell you how I became Suffud, of the Wilderness Guardians.
In the town of Edgeville born and raised
In the Wilderness is where I spent most of my days
Ice Blitz-Dds specing out some fool
Pking some kids just after school,
When a group of guys up to no good,
Tried to take my loot and I ate all my food.
I hit my tele tab as I got scared,
Screw this I need to PK with some friends,
I went onto forums and searched for a while,
Then this one post made me smile,
If anything this clan was rare
So I'll send in my app to them as they seem to care,
I got accepted and fit in real quick,
Finding a place where ideals are not a gimmick,
I looked at my clan members, I was finally there.
Playing with the best, The Wilderness Gaurdians.
It's been a long time my friends. After taking a break from the game due to being thoroughly burnout. Both due to the grind and IRL issues I have decided to make my comeback to the Wilderness Guardians. I've been around here a while but a lot has changed. Many of you won't know of me. I joined on OSRS as a Berserker and after a lot of gentle bullying by the defence noobs I leveled up after making a pure to replace it in time. Partly to shut them up, mostly to avoid the maundering mobs of 1 defense pures who most of us couldn't help me against. Still got my share of the loot though as a Berserker!
I've still yet to max or own a Fire Cape. I do have 99 Untrimmed HP though its close to trimming. I have held almost every staff rank at one time or the other. As well as owning several types of pure.
Interests outside the clan are gaming, I have every console this gen, currently on Pokemon Sword, Ark Survival Evolved and Modern Warfare. Although I do love Age of Empires.
Apart from that the usual netflix style shows, films, books ect.
Got any questions feel free to ask.