as most of you may know, a clan member lvl 99 gay left wg after explaining his story about becoming addicted to meth. I personally try to keep my online life and my real life
as separate as possible, but its hard to do that sometimes, when at my work, someone had died after ODing on meth last month. And after randomly encountering lvl 99 gay in the wdr discord we had gotten to talking about addiction, and how it comes to fruition and how difficult it can be to curb. As of today, gay told me he had been 28 days clean of meth, however, the only thing that keeps him going is that people care about him and that he has support with his rehab. I know that a decent amount of people have him added on discord and rs. It truly does mean a lot to just reach out and dm him on how his rehab is going and how he is doing. He still cares about WG and I can only hope WG still cares about him.
Please take this into your personal life too, as many people struggle with substance abuse and addiction and hide it well. Think, has anyone you know recently become reclusive and shies away from plans and social gatherings? If so please take the time to reach out to them. I've lost a lot of friends to suicide and drug addiction, and I'd hate for you to lose people too