In this thread we share the bank tag tabs we use.
If you're like me and don't like placeholders, it's hard to keep things organized. Fortunately you don't have to with bank tag tabs. Make em for every activity and setup you need and you never even have to look in your bank! Even if your bank is organized I see them as superior. Only until load outs like in RS3 come out will these be beat .
Please post a picture a long with the code so we know what goes in it if we want to try it!
To get the code just right click the tab and click "export tab" and the code will be in your clipboard. Just paste it into the forum post.
To import codes right click the plus where you go to make new tag tabs and click import while you have a code copied into your clipboard
Herb runs:
Tree runs:
Don't make fun of my boots of lightness I hate agility
If you don't use the same logs for birdhouses, same seeds for herbs, same saplings etc it's easy to remove and replace with your choice. These should be good starting points.