Yup, working on my mage level to about 94/95 so I have access to all spells in the game and also a respectable mage level. Will get range mostly through bossing and slayer content since it's fast anyways. I did plan on buying a max poh along with the rigour+ augury but had a change of plans after I decided to go learn CoX.
Gonna apply for graduation soon. I have all the requirements for it down
I did buy CoX gear a couple of days ago and have been through the tutorial videos. Now to find people willing to take me through a couple of CoX runs assuming they don't nope the fuck out hearing mobile and 0kc in the same sentence . I did go on one of Crae's trips today and it was fun. Intend to do more of that in the near future.
Yeah, the QC is kind of an intermediate goal. And btw, wildy was the first hard diary I got on this account and it was quite a while back tbh. Gonna push for the elite when I get some better mining levels since other reqs are pretty fast to obtain