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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/20 in all areas

  1. A few people asked for this so heres a quick guide on getting some quick Ma2 capes for pk trips. (Note: this is how I do it but there may be better guides out there, also I only get zamarak capes) Gear I use: Depending on what cape your hunting the staff and runes will change, also staff below will auto cast god spells: Toxic staff of the dead - Flames of Zamorak Staff of light - Saradomin strike Staff of balance - Claws of Guthix As your in deep wild there may be pkers. Ma2 possible boss spawn locations: (Note - your boss locations will always be the same as when you found them during the mini quest) My spawn locations: Red = Zammy Green = Guthix Blue = Sara Video of cape run: (Note - I forgot to use charge spell in video) Need anymore info just ask
    1 point
  2. Mojo

    [Accepted] J o h n s

    Welcome John
    1 point
  3. s m o k e

    [Accepted] J o h n s

    Welcome to WG brother
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Got my first CoX KC today. Shout out to @Schwag and @Generic Mate for the learner raid. Did I plank ? Yes, I got sat by olm 3 times . Vanguards was the first room and less difficult than I had thought it to be. It was pretty much smooth sailing from that point till olm started throwing a million tantrums in his room till he had to be sat down. As for the loot, got addy ores and dragon arrows for that bank loot. Was a fun event and would love to go on more CoX trips. Here's the link to Schwag's recap for the event :-
    1 point
  6. Skeet

    99 Madness Complete

    The grind has finished. Now i must find other pursuits Black graceful so pretty
    1 point
  7. Genesis

    Infernal Cape

    Deserved its own post tbh. Finally, after almost a week and 13 attempts. You can find the full blog linked below. I'll also link the stream highlight. Big shoutout to my boy Jared for lending me Tbow, and y'all for tuning in. Also my bingo team cuz I haven't done shit all week LOL. https://clips.twitch.tv/TemperedHedonisticAsteriskCmonBruh
    1 point
  8. Misdeal

    Infernal Cape

    Cool setup, but I think I'll use this when I get it
    1 point
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