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  1. Ninurtah

    [Accepted] Ninurtah

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Ninurtah What is your current RS name? Ninurtah List any previous RS names: What is your total level and combat level? 1656 total 121 cb Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Started in 2005, lost the password to the original account, started again in 2007. Played since 2007, particularly from 2007-2012. I was a dungeoneering sweat for a while, doing leeches for money, in between farming and slayer. Tell us about your clan history. Only been in 2. MNL and GLN, both social clans. Tell us about your yourself. UK, M, 23, recently employed and furloughed. I work odd hours in my job which makes events difficult to attend on US time. You know that guy that says he listens to everything but actually doesn't? Other than mumble rap I actually do. Music goes from Polish Black Metal to Biggie Smalls to Slavic Hardbass. Studied Geology at University, hated it, got a degree though. How did you hear about us? Been in the chat for a year, don't even remember lmao. What makes you want to join us? Been in the clan long enough, want to start going to events in a full capacity. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: As previously mentioned on my other app I can be a dick if provoked. No rule violations though.
    2 points
  2. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Fifficiency What is your current RS name? Fifficiency List any previous RS names: What is your total level and combat level? 104 Combat 1635 Total Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Welp, since I have to write another novel or else I'll dissapoint y'all, this account used to be something special aswell, I used to be a Native to the Morytania Swamps and damn was I the best native out there, assisting the barrows brothers left and right, making sure the Myreque were save, being the person who SINGLE HANDEDLY took out Treus Dayth, Ranis Drakan, Damien Leucurte and last but not least Vanstrom Klause, my companion Swampletics and I used to rule the lands of Morytania and we had a clan filled with Natives to make sure we could take on the Theatre of Blood, many tried but many failed eventually there were too many people that left us, which is when I decided to leave the swamp in order to conquer the rest of Gielinor, once stepping foot outside of Morytania I knew what I had to do.. many tales have been told about the Recipe for Disaster, hearing these tales made me determined to complete every singular thing that had to do with the Recipe for Disaster untill eventually it was completed and I had obtained the Barrows Gloves, after that all of Gielinor opened up, but most importantly, people would finally not call me incompetent anymore eventhough they didn't know the story behind this account, they did NOT care and proceeded to insult me for not having Barrows gloves, knowing this I knew my next step would be to defeat TzTok-Jad, many thought this was impossible but I for one was never scared, killing it my second attempt after failing to understand how the damn healers worked the first attempt I was victorious and achieved the mighty Fire Cape, feeling better than ever I had tough decisions to make, what shall I do next? Become one with the Gods of Runescape? Pursue a life of Peace and join the Monks? NO, I decided I wanted to become a Monkey and did Monkey Madness 2, Glough had no idea what kind of unit was coming for him so I took my Rune Crossbow and shoved it up his..... nose (Ya fell for it). The love of my life Nieve sacrificed herself so I could defeat Glough, her death will never be forgotten and Steve will never replace her since I am not into men and Steve just doesnt hit the same. Now.. once again looking for something to do, recently having lost the love of my life I was so empty inside killing these tedious Demonic Gorilla's just didn't fill the void, so.. I hit up my boy Vorkath and was like WADDUP, Vorkath replied and called me a pussy, so after that there was no way I could let him live, I spoke to Zorgoth and was like.. yo wtf is the issue with your creation and he was like, man im sorry I fucked up.. i added a few too many chromosomes and I was like dw fam I gotchu went to Vorkath and used my friends Dragon Hunter Crossbow to show him wassup. After Vorkath died I could finally live in peace, showing people how I was a true PVMer capable of the most impressive things, people finally respected me as a player, the next chapter is Zulrah, which I am currently learning on the Trailblazers League, a league for people not patient enough to play the main game. What will the future hold? Which boss will call me out next? Find out next time I go MIA and I have to make another application. -Fiffy Shakespeare Tell us about your clan history. Rest of the application is gonna be copy paste and im sorry for that but its been a few months nothing has changed in my life. Tell us about your yourself. Hey I'm Ferdi, Male, 23, The Netherlands, I studied Accountancy on HBO level (I have no clue what it would compare to in other countries to be honest), Currently unemployed, looking for work as we speak but COVID is making it really tough atm, Hobbies are gaming and spending time with loved ones. Music comes down to so many things, It is very much mood dependant if I'm emotional I'll listen to Evanescense, Avril Lavigne, My Chemical Romance etc and if I'm happy I generally listen to KPOP (I am not one of those spammers on twitter that posts videos, just wanted to clarify since i've had to in the past..), Talents are I guess I can understand several languages (not speak), when it comes to liking things.. it'll come down to food, being comfy, in an environment without any stress whatsoever and just a good atmosphere, things I dislike (I am a positive person most negative things are game related).. griefing, crashers, skull trickers and lurers, even though I understand its part of the game! I just don't like to do it or experience it :D How did you hear about us? Googled wilderness clans What makes you want to join us? https://gyazo.com/51573ca9f92908006a93d77123c9a459 pretty damn self explanatory isnt it. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: nothing this time, just hoping I don't have to wait 48 hours again since Corb forced me to apply again, yes he bullies me.
    2 points
  3. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. 1800RagList What is your current RS name? 1800RagList List any previous RS names: fatal1ty W0n - Forg0tt3n What is your total level and combat level? My Total level is currently 1932, however I should break 2k by this weekend. Combat is 124 shortly should be 126, Will be maxing prayer and strength out today. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Well this is gonna be quite long, ive been around runescape since pre EOC, made it threw the EOC. Thought I was gonna quit but what am I kidding? No one ever truly quits RS .-. I play RS3 from time to time (extremely rare) ive maxed an account both here on OSRS and RS3. I tend to be found in the Wilderness 9/10. Tell us about your clan history. My clan history is pretty short an sweet, ive always ran solo, unless pking with a few mates from back in the golden days. Lookin for a place to call home. Tell us about your yourself. Well never been great at this section, Im Raglist my first names Laken, im 28 I grew up in Canada, I now reside in Las Vegas, I work some pretty awful hours at times due to the lovely covide-19, I have 2 spunky fox children's Vixie is 6 months a marble artic female , and Todd is your standard red male (3years old ). I love sushi ( I know im weird) , totally hate the sun. Should of been a vampire. ( like I stated im super bad at this know get to know me ) im looking forward to talking to yall and getting to know you How did you hear about us? The Osrs Forums What makes you want to join us? Ive seen some video on youtube of the Pk styles, yall hold your own are one hell of a team. Im Looking for a family, place to call home an always pk with kind of thing. Ive always been a loner an as ive gotten older ive learnt things are more fun with people. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Not that im aware of honestly. Maybe be having to work odd hours.
    2 points
  4. Atren224

    [Accepted] Atren224

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Atren224 What is your current RS name? Atren224 List any previous RS names: thepeppers7 atren224 What is your total level and combat level? my combat level is 57 and total is 492 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. been a long-time player and after getting a new laptop I'm back at the grind. been playing for over 12 years and had a really good account before it got hacked. Tell us about your clan history. i used to run a clan called RDS a long time ago but its been dead for years. besides that haven't been in any other clans Tell us about your yourself. I'm a 26-year-old man with a 5 day work week but I get to play all morning before work. How did you hear about us? i knew about WG for years and watched them on youtube. What makes you want to join us? being a big fan and wanting a home to be in with a great group of like-minded people. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I was in your clan before but I'm reapplying I hope I'm doing it right.
    1 point
  5. Frog Wiz


    Thanks, Laken, for starting this topic as well as sharing your thoughts about the current situation in the world. I have been very fortunate to been able to cope throughout the pandemic and have had relatively little issue with the changes in my own personal life. Work has been fully online and work from home for me for the past 4+ years, and I've had most of my classes at University go either fully online or hybrid with just a few labs that need in-person attendance. There are, of course, days where not everything goes to plan, but that's life! Hard times make hard people. I encourage everyone (if they have time) to read a short blog from one of my favorite "life" websites that puts things into perspective. In the end, time is the most important commodity, and one of the only things we can never get back. https://soflete.com/blogs/knowledge/die-living At the end of the day, we are still here on this Earth and are able to breathe and be alive when others that have passed (in many times, way too early) would give anything for one more hour to spend with those they love, doing the things they enjoy, and just seeing the world once more. Let's remember that while we may be going through difficult times, but all things eventually pass. Stay strong, everyone, and make sure to reach out if you're going through a tough time. Many times, talking it out with friends (or even typing it out) is cathartic. I hope to see everyone sometime once this pandemic is over, and I can't wait for a WG reunion in real life once it happens!
    1 point
  6. JustBBQ

    [Accepted] JustBBQ

    Thanks, appreciate it! :) and yeah, 95+ combat should go really quick, i have lots of playtime right now, so should be easy. You make me sound like a perfect candidate, tyvm bro!
    1 point
  7. Elvar Gamlan Tell us about yourself. Hi everyone, some of you might have seen me lurking in your CC lately. I'm Elvar (not my irl name, just my alias in fantasy worlds) and here's the long story short: I restarted RuneScape in May as I found a bit more spare time in my real life and eventually I found myself back in the world of RuneScape. I used to play back in the day and I think I retired from RS2 in somewhere 2010-11 when life started to be more interesting at the time. So I had just about 10 years break. Unfortunately I noticed that my old account cannot be transfered to OSRS so oh well, everything had to be done all over again. A lot has changed since then so it's quite interesting to find out more. Back in the days in RS2 my main focus in playing was clans and slayer and therefore I didn't do much of other skilling or quests. I'm really proud of my 99 slayer and actually quite soon after I accomplished that I started to slowly play less and less RS2 and focus only in clanning and eventually retire. At the moment I'm back on the long road to 99 slayer (81 slayer with 99cmb, flat 80s melee stats) but I plan to do a bit more skilling and quests as well, whatever the current feeling is. Real life obligations of course limit quite a lot of playing so basically I'm not going to stress about RS-goals at all and just casually play to enjoy. Real life information: I'm 33 years old and from Finland (GMT+2), father of one child. I like to read, listen to music and do (and watch) sports and of course nowadays enjoy time with my child. Clan history. I loved clanning back in the days. Here's the clan history but I'm not quite sure about the years as I don't remember them exactly: 2005 LoD, Legion of Doom: Small Finnish country clan. Basically just a small group of friends. 2006-07 SoG, Slavers of Godness: A bit bigger Finnish country clan. Became a leader, eventually clan died. 2007-2012 TRWF, The RuneScape Warhungers Federation: My first and only international clan. Some of you oldies probably remember us from the GMT-zone and with our 10pm bedtime rule. I truly enjoyed my time in TRWF, although RS updated with the removal of wilderness and bounty hunter and clan wars were the beginning of the fall of the clan. I quite quickly became a leader in smaller leadership role, but eventually climbed up the ranks to be a Concul (1 of 3) that were second to the Emperor Majin Wouter. After my activity dropped I became a Cencor, a kind of high-ranked mentor or advisor, in the leadership until the time I retired and TRWF was eventually closed. Apart from the leadership qualities I was known in TRWF for setting up the Sniper Unit (when that sniping became a trend) and also I was one of the best binders for the clan. I tried to be a pk-leader too but I found out not to be skillful enough to do that. In TRWF I was strictly obeying and monitoring our honour-code in and out of the game and as a leader I expected that from every member. Back in the days discussions and actions were quite heated but I could safely say we were considered one of the more honourable clans in RS, just like WG was then and still is. We had a strict rule of not doing more than 3 hour long pk-run ins and we had quite a famous bedtime of 10pm GMT. Older players might remember that massive pk-run ins at that time could last 12+ hours. 2007-2010 TSG, The Slayers Guild: Only skilling clan I've been into. I was there mainly for the community during the road to 99 slayer. How did you hear about us? After restarting I was browsing RS-forums to see which clans were still up and saw you guys. Unfortunately it seems not many older clans are left anymore. Do you plan to join? I am thinking of it. I'm playing quite casually and cannot usually play long time so committing myself to clan events could be a bit difficult. Mainly I'm looking for a community (forums too) to spend time with while playing. Any last comments? Hope you all have a nice day! Feel free to ask any questions! My old RS2 stats (taken today from RS3):
    1 point
  8. Hey ya, thanks! When I was younger I read a lot of fantasy. Tolkien's LOTR and Raymond E. Feist's Serpentwar Saga just to mention few are still my favourites today. Later I've become a huge fan of Conn Iggulden who has written three historical-fiction series: Emperor series (Gaius Julius Ceasar), Conqueror series (Genghis Khan) and War of the Roses (Medieval Britain). I would definitely recommend these to anyone interested of these historical figures and events. In addition I've read a lot of war history , mainly WW2, nowadays. And a good thriller is always a good read. And of course good biographys are interesting for example about certain sports figures. Do you like to read?
    1 point
  9. Asian cuisine makes a bad day better and a good day better, just can't go wrong tbh
    1 point
  10. OH 100%, I lean really close tot he Asian cuisine side, im really into seafood an LOVE sushi lol
    1 point
  11. First of all thanks, second of all there are so many different cuisines I love depending on the mood I'm in when im depressed I prefer hispanic dishes when I'm happy I prefer asian dishes (generalizing them since there are far too many cuisines on this planet)
    1 point
  12. Fifficiency

    [Accepted] Ninurtah

    Good shit Corb will be happy, welcome.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. WG Mr420

    [Accepted] WALLLACCEE

    welcome back!
    1 point
  15. Mojo

    [Accepted] WALLLACCEE

    Welcome back mate
    1 point
  16. Welcome, thanks for scooping my AGS
    1 point
  17. you dont need to have a big brain when you can BECOME the invention and in turn, thats a big brain move
    1 point
  18. Frog Wiz

    Tattoos ??

    Actually, it would be kinda cool (obviously nerdy but whatever) to have a wg tattoo for sure.
    0 points
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