A few people asked for this so heres a quick guide on getting some quick Ma2 capes for pk trips.
(Note: this is how I do it but there may be better guides out there, also I only get zamarak capes)
Gear I use:
Depending on what cape your hunting the staff and runes will change, also staff below will auto cast god spells:
Toxic staff of the dead - Flames of Zamorak
Staff of light - Saradomin strike
Staff of balance - Claws of Guthix
As your in deep wild there may be pkers.
Ma2 possible boss spawn locations:
(Note - your boss locations will always be the same as when you found them during the mini quest)
My spawn locations:
Red = Zammy
Green = Guthix
Blue = Sara
Video of cape run:
(Note - I forgot to use charge spell in video)
Need anymore info just ask