Alright listen up everyone, some gains of gargantuan volume have been attained since the last update. let me fill you in as to whats been happening in the virtual land of Bronze Moose.
First of all the stats. We have since achieved the following milestones;
99 Farming, 99 HP, 99 Range, 2k Total and 90 Herblore
Kind of pog, no?
As for the bank progress,
I've been stuck inside corrupted gauntlet for the past month or 2 trying to get a BowFa but have been drier than an Al Kharidian camel, which is bad. However it does bump up the bank value quite a bit with all the common drops, which is good.
New/Current goals:
- Obtain Bowfa
- Use Bowfa to complete zulrah and all gwd (minus kree since arma is useless with crystal armour now)
- Grind cox for Rig/Aug (potentially camp longer depending on luck with scrolls)
- ?
thank for listening