126 Combat
Base 90s
Grind out a PvM pet (all of mine have been spooned)
Golden Prospector Outfit
Lumbridge Elite (QPC)
Base 90s and Golden Prospector Outfit completed.
Also knocked out the Varrock, Morytania, and Ardy elites since the last update.
This was towards the end of October on the alt, around 12k kc now still at 9 shards.
Only slayer bosses, Bandos, nightmare, and a bit of revs on the main.
Going to be resuming farm runs and playing on the alt some more. Tempted to get 70 agility and dolo Zilyana due to the ACB price, but might just sit it at vyres.
126 Combat and PvM pet may be next, not sure which boss I will grind. Hopefully making enough for 99 prayer along the way, open to any suggestions. Thinking of starting with 92 agility for floor 5 and 95 slayer for hydra as my next milestones