Hey there,
Until Jan 12th, i will collect EVERY singe drop from slayer.
EDIT: i will end today (9 Jan) to prepare for kebos tomorrow on my main.
I will try to keep this updated
Now feast your eyes upon this tab:
14 Dec 2018: 6.59m (1-64)
19 Dec 2018: 7.43M (1-65)
31 Dec 2018: 10.0m (1-68)
9 Jan 2019: 12.9m (1-70)
It has been a while, but im back to slayin'. first few days ive done some slayer, recently got Barrows Gloves, Piety and hopefully soon a Fire Cape. After firecape ill be slaying away and only do quests for clues. This update might not be so significant, but there have been a few changes. Mainly in the rune items department and of course the remains (bones, ashes etc)
25 May 2019: 15.0M (1-73)
So... update time! As you can see in the tab, the first few dragon items coming in, got a few long bones and ive had my first Gargoyles task! Ive also had a few nice wyverns tasks, notice the ranarr seeds and the dragon plateskirt.
9 October 2019: 21.7m (1-75, near 76)
At loooonnnggg last. It is time. Been busy on the main, thats why there was no updates. Probably after this one there will be another big gap. From this level onwards I will update this blog every level, meaning I'll update this blog again at 81 slayer
7 March 2021: 43.3m (1-80)
Q: Why do you do this?
A: I'm curious as to what you leave on the ground from slayer!
Q: Do you have a specific goal?
A: EVENTUALLY 99... but I wouldnt be surprised if that took 10 years
Q: How do you sustain this account?
A: I cycle through this account and my main (WG GurtJun). While playing on my main, i try to make money for both accouts, meaning i have to make atleast 2 bonds in 1 bonds worth of time. "leftover" money can go to my alt (this account) if i dont desperately need it on my main
Q: On which account are you playing?
A: On my alt, GurtsAlt. (formerly known as WG Blitz)
Q: Are there any restrictions?
A: Not really, im just playing this as a main account.
Q: Will the loot include coins and consumeables?
A: No, simply because i dont want to put EVEN MORE effort into this challenge. I will try to keep all arrows, runes and weapons/armor sepparated tho.
(Consumables being prayer potions, food and caskets... if you count those)
Any other questions ill answer in the comments