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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/22 in all areas

  1. Anarcho

    Outdoors or indoors?

    Anyone else like outdoor activities? I took this pic the other day after a nice ride after work.
    1 point
  2. Hello! I want to have a place for my progress on the inferno on my zerker. I never was really gunning for an infernal cape until this last league. After realizing I could manage Zuk, I decided it would be worth trying to learn the waves. My current PB is wave 52 and I hadn't really learned much and definitely haven't been able to consistently reach that far yet. The gear I am currently making attempts with: I've only done a handful of attempts currently, but I'll officially start counting now for the sake of progress. Any tips from cape havers would be greatly appreciated, but I realize may be different considering the gear I have to work with. Thank you for your time! I just wanted to share the beginning of my hopefully not too long journey and I will keep updating as I go!
    1 point
  3. Rok

    Outdoors or indoors?

    Outdoors for sure! I love skiing, hiking, camping, and everything between.
    1 point
  4. RS Howitzer

    Outdoors or indoors?

    Outdoors. Nice pic!
    1 point
  5. A Mythrandir

    What do you prefer?

    I easier stay awake later at night, than waking and being "present" in the morning. That said, it all comes down to rythms I guess, as well as whats going on. A fun wedding is a good excuse to see the sunrise!
    1 point
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