Quite a bit of a ramble/story if interested about how I started out accidentally making a pure account. If you don’t wan’t to read through, the TLDR is that I made a fishing alt, it had mad pet rng, combat was super low b/c of barb fishing getting strength up with no hp. Now I’m making it into a pure slowly. I’d like some of your input on what I should do next. Can skip to @@@‘s to get past story.
So I’ve been working on a pure account for quite some time now. Had started off with an idea to make an afk sacred eel fishing alt for an easy afk 200k gp/hr money making alt alongside my rune dragon alt at the time. I figured I would start out with the typical method of shrimps, anchovies, pike and salmon to 48 and move on to barbarian fishing till I reached the goal of 87 fishing.
Had a few prerequisite goals in place including: 15 strength and agility for barbarian fishing, full anglers after 15 fishing, hosidious to 15% and thieving to 25 for fruit stalls, 50 thieving for a shortcut in Underground pass, and Regicide after the agility levels gained from barbarian fishing.
After a little bit of intro questing, claiming the hunter and slayer levels from varrock museum, splashing Ardougne knights while I was training thieving on the main, grinding out 15 fishing and cooking a few shrimps, I moved on to fishing trawler, where to my surprise, I had received my first ever skilling pet with stats lower than the updated required total level to go to LMS.
Pretty enthused with my new pet, I continued on pushing with the prerequisites by afk pumping blast furnace, completing plague city and biohazard, running a few laps of gnome and draynor courses, catching and cooking the fish needed to push on to 48 and setting out on a long afk grind of barbarian fishing till I had at least the agility stats I was comfortable enough with to not make the underground pass a 5 hour quest.
Now that I’m sitting at a comfortable 51 agility all acquired from barbarian fishing post level 15, I figured it was time to move on to the thieving grind. So, I started off by knocking out Client of Kourend for the favour certificate and push for 25 thieving to unlock fruit stalls. First of all, strategic questing is fantastic early levels and trumps any afk training methods early on. Secondly, f*** pushing a ploughing across a field for 2 hours to get told I just wasted my time on some stupid task I could knock out by some other means in a few minutes.
Even after my newly unlocked access to train thieving using fruit stalls, I was only starting out at 5 thieving from the quest reward from biohazard. Which left me with two options for early training with what stats, time, and attention I had at the time. Unlocked at level 5 thieving, you can train on cake stalls and tea stalls. For anyone paying attention to the date stamp of the pet heron and who just happens to be a savant when it comes to the timeline of releases to OSRS, you would realize this would be around the time that there were thousands of Group Ironman Game mode players that would be found in any of the starter locations of the game. Which also including dozens of toxic players trolling them. I couldn’t be asked with the Ardougne cake stalls as every world had a set of very vocal and vulgar GIMPs imported from wintertodt and people consistently dragging the guards over to attack anyone training there.
So, the tea stall training began…
6 Thieving
7 Thieving
8 Thieving………
wait a second
“I had received my first ever skilling pet with stats lower than the updated required total level to go to LMS.”
With over 2100 total on my main, not to mention the rune dragon alt, and and old lost but not forgotten mid-level account, I had had received a total of 4 boss pets and chompy pet all on the main. In over 5,250 combined levels I was just shafted by not one, but two skilling pets by an account I had played more off than on in 2 months and with less total hours than the typical workingman’s full-time work week. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Aside from the overwhelming pet rng that I’ve found on this account, I began to notice something else as well. The unintentional combat stats that were trained through barbarian fishing and the prerequisites has created a really unique low combat pure build. This sparked the idea of creating a glass cannon pure; essentially treating the account the same as most pures, 1 defense a level cap on the attack, strength, range, and mage but only training all of these skills without gaining more than a certain threshold of hp levels.
This new idea of a glass cannon, keeping in mind the potential of certain spec weapons has shaped the current goal for me of a 60 attack/85 strength/95 magic/95 range/45 prayer/55 hp build. At this goal for the pure, I would sit at 66 combat. At the current time, as of April 17th, 2022, the account stats are 50 attack/65 strength/82 magic/70 range/45 prayer/55 hp at 59 combat.
I have never really dabbled in the pure pking scene and I’ll be completely honest, I am ass at ge standard 1v1’s on mains. At the current time, the account can use volatile, dcb, dragon war hammer, and granite maul. All of which can be used to spec out most account from full hp around my combat level (some may need to be weapon stacked.) For example, the volatile base max spec at 75 mage is 50 and 66 at 99 mage without any magic damage boosts. The typical pure account account around my combat bracket has around 65 hp.
From my perception though, I personally enjoy the idea of the versatility of the current spec weapons I can use as well as being able to go with items that can still work a pure but have significantly lower risk; such as the dds. Or on the other hand, being able go to the wildy and try out some more of the account’s pet rng while anti-pking and bringing out multiple ‘stack-out’ weapons like a volatile, zcb, and claws. At 66 combat with luring bear to single strip, the combat range would be somewhere around 33-105 give or take. Granite, some hp levels would be gained with bossing, but there really wouldn’t be anything more bad ass than a low level pure with all wildy pets.
Overall, I wanna know everyone’s input on what combat bracket, specific stats, goals, items, whatever is the most relevant for decent wilderness pking. Both the solo wildy pking, and for the occasional trips taken with the boys. What places are good to scope out when solo? What tips do you have for me?
Also, I plan to try and do a little bit of an update from time to time whenever I remember or if anyone asks about it.