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24M's Achievements

  1. Welcome and goodluck
  2. Welcome
  3. 24M

    [Accepted] 0 Cool

    Welcome broski, gl
  4. Gl american dude
  5. 24M

    [Accepted] tangle16

    You can do iiiiiit!
  6. Gl!
  7. All the best!
  8. Good luck dude
  9. 24M

    [Accepted] 24M

    Ofcourse Thankyou
  10. 24M

    [Accepted] 24M

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. 24M What is your current RS name? 24M List any previous RS names: I ooOooOoo I - 2006-2009 No1 Pker - 2009-2012 What is your total level and combat level? Total lvl - 1745 Combat lvl - 105 Did try to upload photos but struggled using phone. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I started 24M as a 1defence skiller/pker/staker in 2015 and quit due to clearing of bank at duel arena in 2016. Recently got sucked back into game by mobile and decided to gain defence and quest towards being a main. Tell us about your clan history. No clan history, i was always more sided towards pk teams back in 2010 with Pixel Pirates and The Outlawz. Tell us about your yourself. Im a 28 year old male, father, husband and self employed carpenter. How did you hear about us? Through and old close friend Adam. I.E Themask666 "WG Mask" What makes you want to join us? Pking :-) Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I have an addiction of staking and moaning about losing. But breaking that addiction by pking more often.
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