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WG Minos

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About WG Minos

  • Birthday February 24


  • RS Name
    WG Minos

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  1. Looking for people to play some civ while doing some afk runescape skills
  2. Im from Canada, but ive traveled to Europe twice and been all across it. gotta say europe is one of my favorite places ive been to, still need to go back again to travel to Greece, but thats after I take my trip to new Zealand
  3. Welcome!
  4. WG Minos

    [Accepted] 1874

  5. Welcome! Finally another Canadian player!
  6. WG Minos

    [Declined] Ziff5

    Welcome! Hope to see ya around
  7. Welcome!
  8. WG Minos

    [Accepted] Hamcka

  9. Im down for this, always down for games with some other clan members
  10. WG Minos

    [Accepted] Fexo

    Welcome! Glad you decided to apply to us!
  11. Hello and Welcome !
  12. Be wary of @Adult Cat he will drag you into endless hours of barb assault
  13. Welcome! look forward to doing some pvm with ya!
  14. Welcome! You should meet our fellow clan mate 4474, I'm sure you guys have something in common
  15. I'm one of the younger clan members sitting at the young age of 21.
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