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WG Twiz

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Everything posted by WG Twiz

  1. WG Twiz

    [Declined] Ziff5

    Welcome to the forums. Nice app, looking forward to seeing you around.
  2. WG Twiz

    [Accepted] Hamcka

    Welcome welcome, looks like you're already active in our pvm scene.
  3. If she is truly your best friend, you're making the right decision. I've been only married for nearly 2 years now and the first year was definitely an adjustment. We had a lot of fun but definitely had our fair share of disagreements. But after year 1, something seemed to have clicked. Everyone says that but now that I've been through it, I can actually agree. Year 2 has been a lot more smoother and because I did marry my best friend, I have zero regrets! GL my man and congratulations!
  4. Lol I like the honesty in your app. Welcome to WG!
  5. Nice name, I figured you would be a baseball fan. Assuming Rockies? Same with me, I live in south Denver.
  6. WG Twiz

    [Accepted] J ason

    Welcome dude. Still a little surprised that HQ2 ended up in NYC but meh. I can't imagine rent going up more than you're already paying.
  7. Welcome to the forums! Very well-written application. Between your maturity and love for PKing you’ll fit in well in this community.
  8. Nice well everyone else seems to be moving to Colorado (population is growing crazy fast) and we could sure use more people like you to watch over the parks.
  9. WG Twiz

    [Declined] Nadens

    Welcome. I like your positive mindset as I feel like I strive to be the same way.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Sounds like a busy schedule irl.
  11. Welcome to the forums. Could always use willing TBers.. I am working towards 85 with only a few more levels to go to be one.
  12. Ah I see. Well that’s really cool. I live in Colorado and always hear about stupid people thinking it’s funny to deface some rocks in a park or whatnot. Or people who don’t understand that they need to stick to the trails due to erosion.
  13. Welcome. So you are majoring in criminal studies but your dream job is to become a National Park Ranger?
  14. This is such a necessary skill in what he does tho, web development. Google/github is life.
  15. Must have been fun during the Tony Sparano wildcat year even if they didn't go anywhere. Ronnie Brown was on fire.
  16. I have historically been an xbox fan so I bought my wife one so we could play Halo together. Then she, a historic PS fan, bought me a PS4 so we could play Little Big Planet together. Today we play neither game but focus on stupid fun couch-co op games like Overcooked, Human fall flat, and Ultimate chicken horse.
  17. Expensive cat indeed. I thought when my wife wanted a $1.5k British Shorthair (which we ended up getting for $1k somehow) that was expensive.
  18. Welcome. Wish I had a M-F 9-5 job, mine is M-F 8-5:30 and generally longer.
  19. Welcome dude. What's a beach school?
  20. WG Twiz

    [Declined] Lempdk

    Welcome to the forums!
  21. Welcome. Cool program at Baylor.. I play the sax. but never got into anything formal post high school.
  22. Sup. 2 accounts huh? I see a future level 91 scout in the making..
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