Nice. I was in WG up until late 2006 I think so I was wondering if we ever were in the clan together. Your name sounds vaguely familiar. My original rsn was Twizlers300.
Welcome. Just FYI as this is something I've learned the hard way, as while you are more than welcome to come PKing with us, you will be a target for pures with your combat level as most who PK revs are around 115-120+ and can't help you if you get attacked by pures. I've been working on my cmb for that reason but even at cmb 112 I still have to tele out occasionally when pures target me and I'm the only lower level of the group. Either way though, we'll be happy to have you.
Welcome to the forums. We may not be at the level of the DK/RoTs of the world but if you follow the rules here you'll fit in nicely due to you wanting to PK daily.
Make sure to edit your original app with this paragraph, and add another sentence or 2 to your About Yourself section. Talk about who you are as a person (likes/dislikes, your job, what you do for fun other than game, etc). Good luck!
^^ Yep I don't even use Reddit but the few times I've been on it I've seen em post things.
But for good reason! Welcome to the forums and hope to see you out there soon.