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Everything posted by DeTingGoSKRA

  1. good luck. I will teach you the ropes for pvp. It starts with getting a few quests and combat levels done and then looking up a guide for NMZ, then staying there for 2 months. You need high combat to pk with us or you will get REKT by lower level pkers and it won't be fun for you. Hope I'm not scaring you off. See you soon. you can ask @John Tanks for tips
  2. can't wait till someone calls you out for fucking up in pvp. FAT RETARD GET ON THE PILE !
  3. We're working on it lol. We have other qualities. See you soon in pvp
  4. dont want to tell you how you how to play the game.... but get 99 slayer max combat and come pk with us during the grind if you've never pked HAVE NO FEAR WE WILL MAKE YOU A PKER. WELCOME
  5. it fits.... perfect. welcome
  6. always knew you would come back home baby, i missed your sexy bullying of the people fucking up on the mace trips
  7. maxed pker KREYGASM welcome. see you soon at our sides in PVP hopefully
  8. 124? time to learn PVP my son
  9. welcome, WG is here for you buddy
  10. welcome, we raid and pvp tons so NP
  12. sick app, making me proud of recruiting you
  13. welcome. add a few more sentences to the app and should be good.
  14. nice app. to be competitive in osrs pking it takes some sweat. time to grind max combat my guy. GL see ya soon
  15. hopefully you tank better now, GL
  16. Would love to have you in the clan, as well as turn you into a pker. You should add a few sentences to your app though. Good luck
  17. DeTingGoSKRA

    [Declined] Jxl

    Thanks for the kind words, hopefully they can realize their mistake on prejudging me, I hope you can find it in your hearts to calm down after I was nothing but nice to you guys I asked you kindly to go and ask people in WG who I was and to check my post/event history which was a very simple task, yet everyone seemed to lose it a little bit, hopefully they can realize their mistake on prejudging me, even after explaining myself. But we shall see! I am sorry you guys got it so confused, hopefully you can see it in your hearts to forgive me for the misunderstanding. These are all backhanded apologies. I wasn't at the event, but you said it yourself, that it isnt an attitude WG is known for, so maybe you should be asking yourself why it happened. Make an effort to stop shifting the blame constantly and realise your role in the events that led up to this response, which seems to be pretty important.
  18. DeTingGoSKRA

    [Declined] Jxl

    If you want to improve your odds of being in WG again I suggest you stop with the backhanded appologies and admit you fucked up. GL
  19. DeTingGoSKRA

    [Declined] Jxl

    lose the attitude, the person who is hosting gets the last say. If it isn't someone you know you shoulda applied and been accepted before participating
  20. sup noob? WG broke mayu. toxic clan be carefull
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