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Everything posted by K1W1

  1. I agree with Global, quite some dedication to learn a language for this game but I bet it's worth it haha. Welcome!
  2. Also, Invite them too
  3. Oh hey I thought I lost you to the other guy there, Welcome! I was quick because we got WG spams on macros haha
  4. These or their filenames
  5. Retweet one is my favorite to use on other servers, I always suggest it.
  6. Bump
  7. Sorry for bad quality but tried getting file size down to meet the insanely small requirements for this website but I guess it's an insanely small daily cap https://imgur.com/a/aKZZD9P
  8. I thought I saw a JagexSupport tweet kind of condemning the new OSB+ enhanced Firemaking and Prayer stuff but I think that brings all this plugin stuff to a new level. I think everything on Runelite+ (Now OpenOSRS) is safe and secure to use and even more so everything on regular Runelite. I'm sure Jagex knows taking all third party clients away would really kill OSRS and theres really nothing they can do for most of the plugins anyway.
  9. Welcome! Kick cancers stupid ass!!
  10. I downloaded it yesterday, will probably play today. My Blizzard username is Kiwi#12394 but idk if that's a cross platform thing
  11. Welcome! Glad to have you!
  12. You're going to need to add more details to get accepted
  13. K1W1

    [Accepted] f a z z

    Welcome back! Thank you for your service!
  14. It could be if I got enough fans
  15. This is the perfect clan to learn and grow. Welcome!!
  16. K1W1

    [Declined] Swiso

    Welcome!! If you're looking to PK with some laughs I think you'll find us the only good clan that doesn't take itself so seriously and flame every chance it gets Happy to have you!
  17. Rev protection is boring, PKing in rev caves is easily better money and more fun once you get used to it and have decent stats. Welcome to the clan, come on our PK trips to see what I mean
  18. Wanting to gauge the best time to try and set up events. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  19. K1W1

    [Declined] Ozurlul

    You came to the right place, PvPing the PvMers in the caves is better money Welcome
  20. TFW still no pet whatsoever
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