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K1W1 last won the day on November 20 2024

K1W1 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About K1W1

  • Birthday January 19

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  1. Welcome!
  2. Welcome back!!!!!
  3. Welcome back!
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  6. K1W1


    Are you a real kiwi?
  7. A legend returns
  8. Since I don't think it can be modded anyway, and I hear good things about Bedrock's optimizations, I think Bedrock would be the way to go. I might be interested, have not played the never versions of Minecraft yet. I'd love to beat the underwater boss (and any others that might have come out after that)
  9. Hey Rachel! We don't know each other but I've heard of you. We have a social chat in game, just "WG" under the clan chats. You'll have to go to the "guest clan chat" tab in the social/grouping category and guest from there. If you're not allowed it it's because we're PKing. If you have a Discord, join discord.gg/wg and ping me (@kiwiz0) and I can help you further
  10. K1W1

    [Accepted] Xhiaouwei

    Welcome! I've definitely seen you around in the wildy, I believe often in the rev caves and with some smaller Discords a few years ago, always admired your insane playstyle haha
  11. o ye fk ye
  12. Yeah I was in the same boat re: the hands on learning, but for certain internal things, newer things etc. the documentation and resources are very limited so be prepared to learn by reading your eyes out. Also be prepared to try to fix things without being able to test them. For example right now one of my tasks is to fix a custom script written by someone that left the company that was packaged into a .exe (so I have no clue what version it actually is, no clue if the way it was packaged is the same I expect to try it out) on a security server, to collect logs from a security database. Testing on my PC has been utterly useless and there are no dev/stage environments to test on either. I'm just trying to learn how SSL/TLS works to be sure about the moves I make with certificates, encryption etc.
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