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  1. Can’t wait for MHA and SDS new seasons zzzz
  2. Still have to do all the bullshit military duties on top of your primary duties of being a mechanic. You’ll find out soon enough!
  3. I want to make more than 400k/hr from blue drags. I have no clue on what else to do with my current level, I’m training slayer currently so hopefully I’ll get some bosses I might be able to do. Never bossed at all in runescape so I’m looking forward to my first huge item drop. also want to grind barrows til I get full guthans and Dharoks, and I want to do Jad successfully.
  4. If Shipuuden and FMA:B aren’t your top two, don’t talk to me Bruh, SDS is so fucking good. Never thought I’d click on it until I did randomly. I love you so much Ban
  5. DONT DO IT!! I bet the English military is so much chiller than the American military. With all your lil accents n stuff.
  6. BOY if you don’t let me line up that hairline
  7. I got you, Todoroki.
  8. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. GOBLINPOT What is your current RS name? GOBLINPOT List any previous RS names: GOBLINPOT What is your total level and combat level? Total: 1112 CB: 85.025 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I have been playing since about 2007-8, never really did much as I was just a kid. Mainly loved to mine and WC and chat with my friends while doing it. Just got back into it after seeing a bunch of emails of my account being compromised, so I changed my password and realized it was out for mobile and I've been a member for a month and half now. Tell us about your clan history. Never been in a clan, didn't even know clan chats were a thing until I joined this chat a month ago. Tell us about your yourself. My name is Mytchell, I'm a male from the United States. I'm a barber student with an IT background, trying to become a barber because it's what I enjoy doing! My hobbies are spending time with my wife and dog, no lifing TV shows and watching some anime here and there. Mainly into hip hop and heavy metal. I don't know if I have real talents besides being charismatic lul. How did you hear about us? reddit What makes you want to join us? I've been in the cc for about a month now and when I have the level requirements to be able to boss/raid/PK I'd love to do it with you guys. I didn't intend on being a clan member for a few weeks but decided it'd be something I'd want to do later on. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I've done none of the things listed and I don't know why any reason would pop up in the future that would prevent me from being here.
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