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WG Fargorn

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Everything posted by WG Fargorn

  1. Good luck with the application, the more you put the more likely it wont get trashcanned!
  2. Good luck with the application, and welcome to osrs. You sound like a sharp dude.
  3. Pvmer
  4. WG Fargorn

    [Accepted] Lhu

    We found the one guy still using the runescape forums
  5. Good luck on the application and hope to see you pking with us shortly
  6. Good app, love to see pkers applying
  7. FREMMY BOOTS 4 ACHIEVED 3K KILLS FOR WG ACHIEVED NOT A USELESS PVMER ACHIEVED. https://i.gyazo.com/376d42e65d6dece7e3e5c7b92d47c9e9.mp4
  8. Music teacher :kappa: A friend of Drags is a friend of mine
  9. A pker with some experience? Hope you get in
  10. Most of the pking we do as a clan is deep/revs so being a zerk is yikes.
  11. Holy shit!
  12. We indeed have an aussie unit Good luck with the app
  13. WG Fargorn

    [Declined] Werkd

    Low effort app, cut this fuck.
  14. Welcome back and good luck
  15. That application is weak, make your man beef it up zebrah. Do it in french if he has too
  16. Like fuckkkkkkkk, too sexy. LOL HERO
  17. See you on the pk trips soon
  18. Good luck with the app
  19. TRUE
  20. lol welcome and good luck with the app
  21. Canada STRONG UK WEAK
  22. Can do EZ
  23. HOLY FUCKING SHIT KD MEMBER!!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Userper @Userper @Userper Good too see ya man
  24. Welcome and well done application
  25. Good luck
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