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WG Fargorn

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Everything posted by WG Fargorn

  1. Hello and welcome back
  2. There are some pretty dirty scenes in there. My favorite if the f2p war, likely against DS?
  3. How old is your son? Social worker? RN? nice too meet you
  4. Welcome and good luck joining!
  5. This guy!
  6. Jin dobre.
  7. I laughed IRL. Would love to have another blood thirsty greaser.
  8. I like this guy
  9. Hey russian, good to see ya, miss ya.
  10. Miniiiiii
  11. Welcome and GL!
  12. Welcome
  13. Welcome dude
  14. Good luck in your application sircix. Cool name btw.
  15. Welcome, gl joining!
  16. Hey kushed hope you are doing well man, app looks great
  17. Welcome glad you got your app in!
  18. Atheist here. Grats slump
  19. GL rut, mining iron in mining guild should get you to 68 in less than a day my dude!
  20. Quite the resume lad, would be happy to have ya in WG!
  21. @Ciszewski Polish or ukranian descent? I am a Szymanski Best of luck to you!
  22. Welcome and gl!
  23. WG Fargorn

    [Declined] 0ut

    Welcome out! see you on our discord! And GL
  24. WG Fargorn

    [Accepted] G abe

    Hey Gabe, I look forward to seeing you at our pks
  25. Hey dude What are your main interests in rs?
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