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WG Wessoxx

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Everything posted by WG Wessoxx

  1. `much respect for you my dude
  3. welcome back and good luck
  4. Can you do some skilling for me ?
  5. WG Wessoxx

    KBD PET!

  6. welcome. good to see you apply again !! hope to see you soon.
  7. Repost it. delete by accident my last post...
  8. You know i dont plank. Stupid fuck !
  9. Welcome and good luck on your application. 1 thing: Try to put some more details in your application. So we know you better. Thanks.
  10. Welcomeeeee. Good to see you here
  11. WG Wessoxx

    [Accepted] Hecs

    welcome back and good luck with the application
  12. welcome back hope to see you back on the field soon.
  13. i have never done an ironman. so yeah im new as well. but the idea about group iron man sounds good to me. nicee seems like plenty of people will get a new challenge. i dont think anyone would love to do rc hahahaha sounds good buddy. will see when it comes out.
  14. Nicee good to hear buddy Nooooob . This is for me also new so yeah lets see. More details will follow. Prob you can trade between the group. So thats would be nicee.
  15. Thanks for sharing this with us. To bad we cannot change the past. But only change our future. Im happy you still here in this world and Doing everything you can to make this world better. You can always pm me when you need someone to talk. WG is also a family.
  16. Welcome back
  17. Im not sure but the normal amount would be between 3-4 people I think. So lets see when it happens. See how many people are interested in this and we can make the groups. And maybe make it a battle or something.
  18. Sounds good. Oooh nicee. Yeah true. But im for real down. To make an ironman with a group and grind out things together
  19. Both skills suck ! Depends on if you an ironman or not. If yes. Rc is for runes. Hunter when you get 99. You can get juicy items for your hardcore account. But i think for now its best to go for rc
  20. Helloooo everyoneee. We all received the information that the Group Ironman will come to OSRS. I was wondering what your opinion is about this. Im thinking about making a ironman when this update will come to OSRS. If we will have a few numbers for this we can even make groups and have some fun time with a new adventure on OSRS. Let me know what you people think about this.
  21. Sounds good. Dont pk other clan bosses Irl mojo . Ez clap for WG !
  22. WG Wessoxx

    [Accepted] Torm

    welcome and good luck with your application
  23. Welcome back. Long time no see !! Time to get back with your friends
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