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  1. Yeah I thought so. Thanks guys.
  2. They're really easy, but it still feels like they take way too long to kill. Even after the nerf. Seems like they're only useful for ironmen and pet hunting. Thoughts?
  3. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Residew What is your current RS name? Residew List any previous RS names: None What is your total level and combat level? https://gyazo.com/e51ae9bd5f6bd6774627b0a363e7032a 1674 Total and 110 combat. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I've been playing on and off casually since 2004-ish. My current account was created on the day osrs was released I believe, or close to it. Tell us about your clan history. I've only been in one other clan in OSRS. I was in multiple pure clans pre-eoc, can't remember the names of them. Evolution was the name of the clan I was in previously in OSRS Tell us about your yourself. Pretty chill guy, just enjoy the game with other people much more than solo. From Alaska, US. Chill guy. Dylan, sales representative for an industrial supply company. Enjoy hunting and fishing a lot, outdoors activities in general. 25, GED, mostly just work and spend time with my dog or playing video games during the winter times. Summer times I spend much more time outdoors than inside but I still scape when I can. I don't dislike much except the LaCroix "soda" It's fucking hairspray in a can. How did you hear about us? A reddit comment from an old thread What makes you want to join us? Everyone seems pretty laid back and willing to offer helpful advice. Looking to join for a group of people to boss with occasionally and just chill while playing. It's much more fun of a game with other people than it is solo to me. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I fuckin' suck at this game tbh. Not very efficient, I just play to have a good time. Never scammed or RWT or any of that shit. Too lazy to spy.
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