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Everything posted by Claws

  1. What OSRS MODS SHOULD DO BUT DONT POLL jokes aside i'm stumped
  2. gz on maxing @Geitekaas
  3. welcome
  4. Build a pc that will last you 3 new xbox generations and is upgradeable, or buy an xbox and play with gato mojato(still trying to figure out what it means). I'd play on pc with you, or xbox I wouldn't call it garbage, servers are good for me, little to no lag, but it does seem a little rushed. Rendering in first 30 seconds awful. But i heard on XBOX one X it doesnt have rendering issues
  5. Wanted to know if anyone has played PUBG on XBONE and what they think. I play on pc also so it is a downgrade, but I still think it is a very good game/ better then fortnite.
  6. I went 100+ dry trying to get rcb but got this lmao
  7. Claws

    [Declined] gn1015

  8. whalecum
  9. whalecome
  10. whalecum
  11. welcome, met u in chat today-mini hooves
  12. Claws

    [Accepted] Ayymz

  13. Claws

    Vio's RNG

    i got 4 drops in 220 kc
  14. whalecum
  15. guuten taag and welcome back cat
  16. Claws

    [Declined] PKiff

  17. welcome
  18. welcome back! C L A U S here
  19. Claws

    Clan raid drops

  20. not much on app
  21. white american. the cheese totally
  22. Claws


    welcome back, you were here when i was. C L A U S aka the worst corper to live
  23. Claws

    [Declined] PKiff

    welcome, hope to see you in cc sometime soon
  24. damn thats cool as hell
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