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  1. welcome :)
  2. Shaba

    [Accepted] Shaba

    Hey, guys, I was away this weekend and haven't yet had a reply! Have messaged Lowhow on disc but will just post on here to say you can get hold of me this evening if anything on my application was an issue.
  3. Shaba

    [Accepted] Shaba

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Shaba What is your current RS name? Shaba List any previous RS names: Username has been Shaba for over 4 years. What is your total level and combat level? 2007 total level. 114/115 combat level Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I have been playing since 2008, similar to most players I stopped with the release of EOC. However, I ended up coming back to the game eventually, maxing RS3, and then moving on to OSRS around a year ago where I have progressed at a reasonable pace. This is due to being a student at university, however, I still find plenty of time to play. Tell us about your clan history. I have never been in a clan on OSRS, however, I was deputy owner of a clan (officially - the RS3 clan system is much more organized and official) on Runescape 3 and enjoyed it very much. I love a sense of community and talking on discord whilst I/we play. Tell us about your yourself. English Literature student from the south-west of England. Also a seasonal surfing instructor and surfer - I do sometimes take week-long breaks to visit places such as Morocco and France, but for no long period of time due to my studies. How did you hear about us? Reddit. What makes you want to join us? A sense of community (also an interesting Youtube video about the length and commitment of this clan and it's members) Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I sometimes turn my private off or won't reply during term time due to studies. Apart from this I am really just looking for people to play with and enjoy the game that we all love and have loved for so long... and make some GP doing it
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