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WG Logout

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WG Logout last won the day on April 29 2022

WG Logout had the most liked content!


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    WG Logout

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  1. welcome back, don't forget to get your app checked on discord!
  2. Welcome, don't forget to drop an #appreview on discord but in the mean time hang out as a guest in the cc and see if you're a good fit! Will be cool to play with you later.
  3. waterproof! I remember you homie, welcome home Let's get you back into the new CC, DM me on discord if you need any help but as smoke mentioned make sure you put in an !appreview
  4. welcome back gangsta
  5. still accurate besides the multi factor
  6. Welcome, glad you found the forums! Hope you feel right at home
  7. 741
  8. 720
  9. huge wb
  10. Hey Vindiedes! If you can throw some more details about yourself in your app that would be cool. What you like to do outside of OSRS, what kind of hobbies you're into, your music tastes, whatever
  11. looks like you figured it out, pogchamp cuz I missed you
  12. welcome home gamer Kissahomie
  13. welcome to the club!
  14. ready for a ex-hexis sweat to come in and sweep come skilling comps
  15. Welcome! Come pk with the gang gang
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