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High Guardian
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Affect last won the day on September 26 2022

Affect had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Affect


  • RS Name
    Affect Ctrl

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Affect's Achievements

  1. Affect

    [Accepted] Semb

    My eyes hurt from reading this, but the content is good! Welcome back!
  2. Affect

    [Accepted] GUESS

    Oh shit, it's Sal!
  3. Hi, welcome to our forums! How are you liking morality?
  4. Nice... so, tell us about yourself
  5. Welcome! Good to have you join us, great to have another aussie pker
  6. We see you out here pkin'! hope to see you with us soon
  7. Mi amigo!
  8. Welcome to the forums Aaron the aussie! (And welcome to USA soon) Nice app. Excited to have a pker with some calling experience joining us. Your stats are still quite low for mains pking, but I’d bet you’ll get those up in no time. In the mean time, I’m looking forward to seeing you around… enjoy nmz!
  9. Affect

    [Accepted] Wg nap

    Yo! welcome back nap. welcome to the pc master race
  10. Affect

    [Declined] Tammy

    Hi and welcome! No offense Arcane… but you’re mom is kicking your ass! 2216 total level, thats nuts.
  11. at least we get decent streamer content!
  12. Welcome! Good to have another Ctrl around. Don't forget to !review in the osrs-app-review channel in discord.
  13. Affect

    [Accepted] MYL

    Welcome! Were you streamer hunting too?
  14. Hi Rayland! Glad to see you figured out how to get an app in. Welcome, and I'm looking forward to having you around.
  15. Still need 1750 tho!
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