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About Slayer123121

  • Birthday 11/02/1989

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  1. Hey All, Been a LONG time :( Nice to see some people are still around and see alot of newer faces too :) My name's Martin.
  2. Seen this yesterday literally was the band i listened to most growing up! Lucky to have seen them live. RIP
  3. it's all about Arya she's the shit
  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  5. Xbox or ps4?!?
  6. Hiya Quinton welcome Nice app.
  7. Att:75 Cmb:92
  8. Fifa 17, Nba on Xbox, Also play Aoe. Waiting for new Cod
  9. Im off tommorow i'll organise my banks on 07/Rs3 and post them then
  10. As per the old forums Figured i need to get back into things, luckily came back on Rs3 found my 4 rares worth 1.3b and each had trebled in price :woeh: :woeh: So gonna smash out the levels so can get back into bossing etc as my rs3 acc is already good to go but 07 clearly no where near :fp: Luckily Icey offered to do some Afking for me till i get up to a standard where i can boss with him Starting Cmb:79 Starting Att:70 Starting Str:60 Starting Def:62 Starting Hp:64 Starting Slayer:44 Starting Range:51 Starting Mage:55 Aim:110+ then i'll look for some more specific goals Quests for RFD.... Will add some more shit on this as i go Stats now: Cmb:90 Att:72 Str:80 Def:70 Hp:74 Range:53 Mage:58 Slayer:55 Getting somewhere SLOWLY..... Roll on 90+
  11. You need more info in your post, tell us abit about yourself maybe? Hobbies/Interests etc
  12. noooo Mojo
  13. Not for me, waiting on new NBA/New Cod WW2
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