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Massive Turd

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    Massive Turd

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  1. I will keep this in mind
  2. Massive Turd

    1st pet

  3. That sounds so delicious wtf
  4. Home made Garlic bread with Philadelphia cream cheese and Pasta Sauce on top hnnggggggg
  5. That would be so satisfying to pull out, you lost me at bad cheese though
  6. Anything with SWANKI DJ IS A F YEAH FROM ME
  7. What if our Air was water I mean technically....
  8. Really inspiring, best of luck!!
  9. My name is Mathew but you can call me Hew
  10. I remember seeing that photo released of his body being shot and that was pre disturbing (idk if it was real it looked it) I never got into his music though
  11. I really enjoy living but I dont feel to good at it
  12. So how is being Married so far?
  13. really nice, I need to get those agility levels up.
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