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  1. nice man thanks
  2. nope, train in a combat gym in south east london, had my first fight a couple months ago and ended up getting a draw from the judges decision
  3. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Grave533 What is your current RS name? Grave533 List any previous RS names: N/A What is your total level and combat level? 1591 total level cmb: 114 HP: 94 atk:90 str: 95 def: 87 rng: 90 mge: 85 prayer 71 92 slayer Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. started around 2005 i think and had a long break until i made an osrs account early last year, mostly just do slayer, bossing and a little bit of pvp. particularly looking to get pets and especially looking to get God wars dungeon pets like General Graardor. currently have Vorki and Kraken from bosses and currently hunting for Noon from gargoyle bosses Tell us about your clan history. no clan history which is why im looking to finally join one Tell us about your yourself. Ross / male / 20 / london / student at goldsmiths / amateur kickboxer with a 0-0-1 record / massive EDM fan, been listening to drum and bass and dubstep since i was about 10, always happy to discuss bass music with anyone, anywhere How did you hear about us? reddit What makes you want to join us? looking for a clan that can help me learn pking / raids better and to help me grind out the GWD pets that I want and to farm revenant caves Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you:
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