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VB is Water

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    VB is water

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VB is Water's Achievements

  1. Nice app - maybe try adding a bit more deets?
  2. Welcome and good luck!
  3. Nice application! Good luck man
  4. Good luck with the app man.
  5. Welcome and good luck! 16 years of RS! NICE
  6. Welcome and good luck! - make sure you hit up an app manager mate
  7. Good luck!
  8. Welcome and good luck mate - awesome guild to join if you enjoy pking!
  9. Welcome and good luck!
  10. Welcome man. Good detailed app. GL
  11. Look forward to hitting the PK scene with you! GL
  12. Dangggg those stats GL man
  13. Gl man! Haha easy Addy Sword ey
  14. Welcome amigo - GL with the app
  15. GL dude! Make sure you contact one of the legends - if you need help with anything hit us up
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