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venom_forged last won the day on September 4 2017

venom_forged had the most liked content!


  • RS Name
    Venom Forged

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  1. I'm looking to train a baby pure to settle the need to go brid pking (main isn't maxed or geared enough) and was wondering if anyone can offer some advice on where to train mine next? was thinking 50 att, 85 range/mage but idk about str (30 str not showing on the hiscores)
  2. It's not easy to begin with but once you get going you can smash that snek If you need any help i'll be in discord just mention me.
  3. not bad.
  4. Welcome! fair few from the uk so you'll be fitting in nicely and in a good timezone for events!
  5. Xbox, skate 3 is playable on xbox one
  6. Hello there!
  7. Welcome! Good luck with your OWN account! Look forward to seeing you around the forums! Zie je later! (Not from NL just know a few phrases after visiting friends in Venlo!)
  8. Coming up to 1k kills and still no tanzanite mutagen after taking a long break from osrs: If you care to post what kc i will get the mutagen at - and are closest i'll give you one of the uniques from zulrah (serp visage, tanz/magic fang) Hope you get the kc correct and i'm sure i'll see some of you around! KC predictions: WG Mask: 1324 WG EXOW: 3000 i0wn0nu: 1500 Currently sat at 905: got a few uniques but no mutagen yet
  9. I'm looking at doing DS2 soon! I'll be sure to see how many kills I can get!
  10. I would love to see rev caves & imbued mage capes. Great step into reviving the wilderness. So many good memories of massing rev caves with WG! I would love to get some of vesta's armour again and start main pking with it
  11. Surprise mf! Cat
  12. yassss <3 nice one!
  13. Log out for an hour and go calm down. Practice your pray switching on something else first! (Even if it's one style. It gets you well prepared!) Think of what you are going to do with the healers, be it tank them, safespot them or whatever. You need to prioritise jad's attacks above everything else, or else you will die.
  14. is this you?
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