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  1. i envy you i want is so bad!
  2. nice ez money there, i still need to do raids
  3. welcome mate
  4. vililkiilngs What is your current RS name? vililkiilngs List any previous RS names: Mister Ebola J e s u s s il8 ll8 My stats: http://sigs.vksoft.eu/oldschool/blue/no/VILILKIILNGS.png Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Okay so back in 06 onwards i was a p2p pure pker, i quit on the release of eoc, about 1 year ago a friend got me back onto runescape 3 in which i spent about 6 months on before finding out about osrs. I'm a natural pker, and that's why my account build now is a range tank, since joining osrs ive been in two clans, both pvp and active warring clans, now i believe its time to get more out of osrs and boss more in a community that's not so how do i put it full of shit :D Tell us about your clan history. Viral Clan- joined them just to pk and that basically! Rbh- was in them for a little while until i can bullshitted by a member on a pvm drop! Tell us about your yourself. I'm 24, from the uk! basically own my own window business, and scape, i can scape up too 10hours a day depending on if i decide to work or get other people too :D How did you hear about us? Zybez :D What makes you want to join us? By looking at the clan, you must be doing something right to be going this long minute i got into discord i felt welcome and i like the duo aspect with osrs and rs3 :D Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I'm fucking awesome.
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