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Kick Door

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  • RS Name
    Kick Door

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  1. Nice mage level, when you get ice blitz and tb you'll be bossing
  2. Wilderness Guardians has a main pking team, come join us at pk masses. Cheers lad
  3. I vote yes on this app hahah
  4. badass welcome
  5. ayyyye do u pk
  6. Cheers
  7. Nice! I have a level 53 hybrid pure, let's go try out BH
  8. Let's put WG traitors on the hit list
  9. That's what's up, WG holding down red portal, nice thought
  10. Welcome to members, cheers
  11. My application is 42 hours old. Ready for another mass! 666
  12. Thanks for the welcome! I will continue with my application process acroding to clan rules! I would have already but my city got hit with the hurricane and no internet/:
  13. 666 status What is your current RS name? 666 status List any previous RS names: I am known as Kick Door and will be switching back to that display name after I'm over this one. My stats: http://sigs.vksoft.eu/oldschool/blue/no/666status.png Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I have a 1500 total and at least 50 in all skills. That being stated, I pk and have a history of pking. The goals for my account are to get 90+ strength, 99 ranged, and 94 magic eventually. I love fighting, especially in Runescape. I'm striving to be the most feared hybrid. Tell us about your clan history. A couple months ago I joined Pure Pks, I worked my way up to the prestigious rank of general. I am no longer with Pure Pks. I am associated with AAO, they're good players, and always fun to go pk with. Tell us about your yourself. Name: Austin Gender: Male Age: Twenty-one Country: America is my nation College student and employed. Jug and finesse 24/7. As far as music, I like Migos, Attila, Bring Me the Horizon and some others. I like war. How did you hear about us? I have been searching for a clan I can commite my all too for some time. What makes you want to join us? I want to fight RoT and other big clans. I want to be part of a clan that claims victory over the most known clans there is. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I can be cruel in wilderness, I thrive off people begging for their life
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