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Everything posted by Rut469

  1. I actually airsoft aswell, I have a M4, a glock and AWP (L96). But i'm probably quitting soon. Don't really have time nor the funds to play frequently.
  2. Heey. welcome at the races
  3. Noice! just finished my gracefull grind this week ;D
  4. Which mod did you suck? ;p
  5. Yh. it's originally a dutch sport i believe but a lot more countries are beginning to play it. Greece, japan, china..
  6. So i was wondering, do y'all play any sports? I myself play Korfball, which is kinda like basketball. I also coach a team of 12-13 year olds which is also a lot of fun Some action pics for you guys <3 https://gyazo.com/3dcc40df83eb11d9075fbdfa08a2d18b https://gyazo.com/5c0876411b01bc7d6333492c64e67798 "Yeah i scored, what you gonna do about it?" https://gyazo.com/f7ea44468ad7b70196c1d6b0a8e20318 I look forward to see what you guys do for sports (or have done).
  7. aiai Whats your ironman name?
  8. Where do you get the money from to do that much farming btw?
  9. Dont fuck with ducks, they're my favorite animals
  10. Damn dudeee, barrows is still good loot
  11. Rut469


    Osu is a game where you need to click on bubbles which appear on the beat of the music. There are different kind of difficulties so when you get better it gets pretty intense.
  12. Rut469


    Anyone here who plays osu?
  13. Wish i could do them solo, and that fast aswell.
  14. Rut469

    Ask Cat

    Will you ever join again?
  15. I know it takes ages for 1 lvl, but you got a runecrafting level yet?
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