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Everything posted by Rut469

  1. I want more of these! Edit: I NEED more of these!
  2. Damn, It's been a while ey. Haven't really been updating this so i guess i'll start doing this again. So, in the beginning i needed to do some thins for DS2. Wel... I did some more. Also, i got the fire cape! (finally) Next to that, revs came out. Thanks to revs, a bandos trip and a zenyte shard i got some new goodies. I bought myself a nice BGS. a archer&berserker ring. And a nice zamorakian hasta As of stats i didn't really grow a lot, i was more busy with making some gp. Something i am very happy to have unlocked is Piety tho! As for some new goals. - BIG GOALS I want to get al my skills up to lvl 70. Get a rejuvination pool. Go do some bossing/skilling in search for pets. At the moment i only got the farming pet Tangleroot but i would like to expend my collection. - Smaller Goals Get every barrows item. Get every void helmet. Do some more raids to learn it better. Get mage arena 2 done
  3. I love how at the end he didn't know what to do, so while being in total panic he walked 2 tiles forward and backwards
  4. Looking good, I need to work on construction a lot more
  5. Jan-Willem, it's a dutch name so in english it would be something like John William
  6. Rut469

    [Accepted] TheSoap

    @theSoap I would prefer to be called "Rut469" with a capital, when I'm called "alright". Anyhow, good to have you, can't wait to scam some ez 5k off you!
  7. Dad, when will you take me back to barbarian assault so I can get the pet?
  8. Aii thanks for the tips, i'll keep you posted on how it goes!
  9. As a lot of people do who went before me, I have some goals. Because i needed some extra motivation to complete these goals i wanted to share my progress with you guys. I have been playing OSRS for a while now, but haven't accomplished muched (yet). I will start of by sharing my stats: Now with these stats i have some goals in mind. 1. Get the fire cape 2. Get the requirements for Dragon Slayer II - Dream Mentor & Lunar Diplomacy needed - 68 Mining (ATM 61) - 70 Smithing (ATM 56) - 62 Crafting (ATM 60) I know these goals ain't much, but they're the once that I would like to get in the near feature. Do you have any tips or goals of your own, don't be afraid to share them in this topic.
  10. I've got the minimum requirements and would really like to learn to do raids
  11. Why can't we all just have a good ol' Hertog Jan
  12. https://gyazo.com/082d2ce1d39aaf38f74095ccab0c98e6 gg ez
  13. Runecrafting, cuz yh, Runecrafting.
  14. Hmmm 9k, one of the more higher chances tho, or am i seeing that wrong haaha
  15. Got it from apple tree lol, their pretty cheap i believe But don't really know the best droprates for every tree
  16. I thought i was the grandpa Nice pets tho, got my Tangleroot on 57 Farming
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