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Easy 99s

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    easy 99s

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  1. thx bro ill apply yeah bro we have some nice Girls here in sweden and they are dumb as fuck #EASYLAID thx bro
  2. thx man
  3. Easy 99s What is your current RS name? Easy 99s List any previous RS names: Atm Easy 99s and im more known as Dreams4you or Just quit My stats: http://sigs.vksoft.eu/oldschool/blue/no/Easy_99s.png Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Ive been 1 def pure for years and now im 75 def 75 atk pure and been in viral who closed so looking for a new fun clan and Think i found one :D Tell us about your clan history. Been in Foe Rage as 1 defence pure and after that in wolves and viral as main but they closed Tell us about your yourself. 22 years old love playing runescape and have fun whit clan mates :D trys to be Active as much as i can :D from sweden btw :D How did you hear about us? google :D and found you guys :D What makes you want to join us? experince clan and looks like you have alot of fun :D Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: dunno :D:D stats atm 75 attack 92 str 75 def 99 mage 99 range 70 pray 93 hp ofc ill work on 99 str
  4. Tell us about yourself. yooo Easy 99s here! im 22 years old and live in sweden. working on building houses and love pking on rs! Clan history. Been in FOE Rage as pure and wolves and viral untill they closed How did you hear about us? Searched for new clan on google and you guys popped up Do you plan to join?yeah Think so feels like this clan is good and friendly Any last comments? leggo pk
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