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Honoured Guardian
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Everything posted by Qufo

  1. Welcome! I know you will like this clan it’s very active !!
  2. Good luck on your application. Nothing like bandos drop, brings back memories.
  3. Qufo

    [Accepted] S h i r e

    Add some more to your application
  4. Good luck on your application. we do events daily so I know u will like this clan!
  5. Qufo

    [Accepted] Lohow

    Dude your total level is nice af! Welcome
  6. Qufo

    [Accepted] deplaine

    Good luck on your application man!!
  7. Qufo

    [Accepted] Dirun

    Nice total level! And welcome!
  8. Welcome glad to have you
  9. Qufo

    [Accepted] Itssolit

    Good luck on your application and welcome.
  10. Qufo

    [Declined] Werkd

    Wow nice total level. This clan is very active and I believe you would enjoy being pet of it.
  11. Good luck on your application. Very active clan and multiple events daily.
  12. Qufo

    [Accepted] lankyfox

    Good luck on your application. This clan does daily events sometimes 3 a day.
  13. Good luck on your application
  14. Qufo

    [Declined] md marty

    You got a crazy total level !!
  15. You will enjoy this clan I promise you it is very active.
  16. Goodly k on your application. You will enjoy this clan. Tons of events between pvp and pvm
  17. Qufo

    [Declined] bingebro

    Welcome. You wills be in the 100s before no time.
  18. Qufo

    [Accepted] Keekeee

    Nice total level and good luck on ur app
  19. Good luck on your application. Nice total level. We started playing the same year lol.
  20. Qufo

    [Accepted] Guisep69

    Welcome glad you applied
  21. Qufo

    [Declined] Nouann

    Leveling three accounts dang lol
  22. Qufo

    [Declined] Os Moyer

    Good Iuck on your application. You should probably add a little more.
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