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  1. welcome to WG
  2. thank you Frog and no she does not. I have tried to get her to play but its not something shes into. maybe one day lol and ill add you when i get back on
  3. Whats up yall. My name is joe but i go by as Atren. Ive been a long time gamer and even being a pro mobile player on CoD mobile and Pubg Mobile. now with work and planning my wedding i mainly been gaming back on runescape. I'm pretty friendly to play with and always try to make someone laugh. I hope you all have a great day and will meet you all on the scape.
  4. being a caretaker for my own family has been hard for the pass 6 years but with covid its even harder. I must keep my family safe and now working at a pizza place it gets scary to think what if i get it and get my family sick. i need the money being I plan on getting married in a few years. The stress in life is at an all time high and dealing with it is hard. but talking to people and letting out your stress does help in some ways. keep your head up, maybe go for a walk, or write, or paint, do anything to keep the mind busy.
  5. i only have 2 cats binx and jiji both i saved
  6. so much love thank you all
  7. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Atren224 What is your current RS name? Atren224 List any previous RS names: thepeppers7 atren224 What is your total level and combat level? my combat level is 57 and total is 492 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. been a long-time player and after getting a new laptop I'm back at the grind. been playing for over 12 years and had a really good account before it got hacked. Tell us about your clan history. i used to run a clan called RDS a long time ago but its been dead for years. besides that haven't been in any other clans Tell us about your yourself. I'm a 26-year-old man with a 5 day work week but I get to play all morning before work. How did you hear about us? i knew about WG for years and watched them on youtube. What makes you want to join us? being a big fan and wanting a home to be in with a great group of like-minded people. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I was in your clan before but I'm reapplying I hope I'm doing it right.
  8. Its called RDS Gaming @Cat is quack
  9. Thanks mojo and I really am I'm glad to be part of this community
  10. Same that would be great
  11. Oh yeah lol it's kinda crazy but mobile gaming has been blowing up in the past few years and it's really fun to get into.
  12. I've been playing for so long its really easy now. But I've also been a competitive gamer for years.
  13. Hello all I am a pro player for pubg mobile. I've been doing tournaments for a while now but my team started to die down. If there are any pubg mobile players who are down for tournaments let me know we will be playing cod mobile when that releases
  14. I love the name. Good luck it's hard but fun to run your own business.
  15. Hello there glad to meet you all
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