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Misdeal last won the day on September 27 2022

Misdeal had the most liked content!

About Misdeal

  • Birthday 05/28/1997


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Misdeal's Achievements

  1. Hell yeah wb brother
  2. updated, from now on ill just like the post when i update it
  3. Pawn Move - Beginner Clue + Casket Knight Move - Medium Clue + Casket Bishop Move - Hard Clue + Casket Rook Move - Elite Clue + Casket Queen Move - Master Clue + Casket King Move - Easy Clue + Casket
  4. Post drops in this forum. Post a move or say "storage" along with your drop. Chess Board P.S. I don't really care about a code, its a fun competition. Simply don't cheat
  5. I love it, it feels like a laptop keyboard. I've tried mechanical keyboards in the past but I almost found like I was mistyping more than this one
  6. I use pretty much complete opposite of a mechanical keyboard. https://cougargaming.com/products/keyboards/vantar/ Low profile silent keys
  7. WB dude, why padel and not squash?
  8. Nerd
  9. Would love to get a snapshot from here to be like a 20x40 vertical mouse pad
  10. Gzgzgzgzgzgz fucking massive grind mate, I would've given up and stuck with my yew longbow after KC 46
  11. Bryophyta then account complete, i did wildy as my starting area in leagues, so id rather do something new
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